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She's just split up - What do I do now?

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There's this person at work who I've fancied for quite some time now, but she was engaged up until very recently. We're quite friendly with eachother, and before the breakup we had been getting closer (friendly touching etc). I was never sure if she fancied me back, or was just being very friendly/playful.


Anyway, now she's single, what do I do? I'm not stupid enough to go for her now, cos she's only just split up from a longterm relationship, plus I don't want to be a "rebound". But how do I make sure I'm next in line as it were? So when she feels ready for a relationship again, she'll think of me?


I'm worried about getting too friendly in her "time of need" and then get stuck as being a friend, but don't want to "chase" her either, cos that's just silly! I have no idea what a good balance would be!


She lived with this guy too, so now she's had to move back in with her parents which is far from ideal for her. I have a spare room in my house, but should I offer it to her, or is that future relationship suicide?



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