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is this considered contact?! Do i actually respond?!


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Ok, this may make me seem completely paranoid, but this NC thing is driving me crazy lol..


The last time I made an effort to contact him was last monday, after he messages me on MSN and said "pop pop" (basically just saying hi- its kind of his things lol) I wasn't actually at my desk, so when I saw the message I called him (he didnt' answer) so I left a msg saying "sorry I missed you, um.. ive left you a couple messages and haven't heard back- so i guess we'll talk soon."


I haven't heard from him since.. or called or messages (which I ususally do).


So today I check my inbox and theres a MSN live message from him (meaning he sent it when I was offline- so it got delivered to my mailbox) and he just said "pop pop poppin" (basically hi again)


is this supposed to be some sort of contact.. or was he just playing around.. should I call him or should I stick to NC and see if he calls again...


i think im just being paranoid.. but i don't want to mess things up.. HELP?!

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"Pop pop poppin"? LOL!


I guess I would want him to say a little more than that before I replied again. Actualy, I think it's a bit disrespectful to send you these little messages and then never reply when you actualy message him with real words.


Don't acknowledge this last message. Wait until he sends you something like "Hey, what's new with you" or "I got your message. Wanna talk?". Until then, I wouldn't respond...he seems to just be screwing around.

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Yeha thats what I was thinking- but I guess I was just desparately hoping for some progress... im surprised he even said thatcuz lately its been me doing all the work..so i guess i just need to hold out some more! this NC thing is so frustrating.. its driving me crazy!

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okay.. so now im even more confused.. he just logged on to MSN, i didnt say anything.. about ten seconds later he logged off, which I found suspicious.. so i used a block checker..and he blocked me?!? this is the person who messages me this morning?!!? no idea.. i jusdt don't get it...

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Yeah, seriously don't call!!!!

Be patient and wait for him to come to you.

It totally sounds like he's playing games here.... and he'll know it's working if you seek him out when he dangles the hook like that.


Do the unpredictable thing and don't respond. Make him come to you in a more mature manner. And don't respond to that quickly either! Gotta make him work.

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Thanks D-Lish. Im not gonna call, but its totally making me paranoid. I have this program that runs with my MSN that saves contact info, it saves the last photo you logged on with and like ur sign in times and all that.. I looked at his..and his display pic was of me.. a pic off of my msn spaces?! but he blocked me!? its totally freaking me out.. cuz he's not one to do stuff like that- and then why block me?

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Thanks TBF, now im just wondering about the display pic.. its driving me crazy.. i want to know if he still has it up! lol

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Mississauga's in the house!


Strange behavior GTD! I just have to agree with everyone else. But I think we can never hear it enough.


NC is the best course of action for you. Two reasons:

1) It will force him to try harder. And perhaps snap out of the childish games.


But more importantly:

2) It will help you move on. Even if right now you don't think that this is what you want, I believe you need time for yourself to assess if this is what you really want. Or, to the very least, to establish what he needs to offer , minimally, to make this a healthy relationship. And realize that if he isn't offering it, you have it in you to move on.


I read your other post and couldn't believe that you have been on 'hold' since last June. That's 5 long months of uncertainty and heartache. I know I would hate so see any of my friends go through to that, and I certainly wouldn't think the man putting them through it is worthy of them.

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You're from Mississauga?! lol - i never meet ppl from here online lol


It is true, its been quite a struggle, but sometimes you just can't shake it. The NC is going a lot better for me, I was actually doing pretty well until yesterdays odd behaviour: the blocking and then putting my pic up?! i don't get it lol.. but i guess i just have to stick with it and see where things take me

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You're from Mississauga?! lol - i never meet ppl from here online lol


It is true, its been quite a struggle, but sometimes you just can't shake it. The NC is going a lot better for me, I was actually doing pretty well until yesterdays odd behaviour: the blocking and then putting my pic up?! i don't get it lol.. but i guess i just have to stick with it and see where things take me


Well actually no, I live in Toronto but I do make it out to Mississauga every once in awhile...


Glad to hear NC is going good and yes, we always get set backs. I guess you have to decide what you want to acheive by NC. Hopefully make him miss you and smarten up, but mostly feel better about yourself and gain perspective on the situation.

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i feel like i have gained quite a bit already u know..

i now know that i dont NEED him, but i dont want him back..


i really hope that this... me sort of disappearing period will make him miss me and realise what he had...and not leave way for someone to step in for him to think that i have moved on and forgot about him.


his little mixed messages over the past few months have drove me crazy , the past few days with the NC and the oddities that have happened is even worse..im dying to know what he's thinking..


i dont want to PUSH him any further, but i wish i knew if there was anything i could do to help him along...



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