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Acting weird after the "L" word

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I have been dating this guy for about 4 months and he just told me that he loves me and ofcourse I love him as well.


I also know that he just doesn't throw it out there for the hell of it - and the last time he told a girl that he loves her was about 4 years ago.


But now, he is acting weird...like distant...and he will try and fight with me ..but turn around and apologize ...and he will keep calling me but says that he doesn't want to talk alot...


what is going on here? is he scared or is he playing games?


HELP - and how should I handle a situation like this?

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This behaviour is very common, the L word does scare people in many occasions and that is why i do not use it, when someone tell u that he loves you, u kinda feel that ur now stuck to him, not free anymore, and if it works and u both admit, then when u look at eachother it's kinda that u both got what you want, and it doesnt seem so special anymore, so i suggest u act like before, play a little hard to get, talk to a few guys infrount of him to get him jealous and not take you for granted...see what happens :)


good luck..

keep me updated

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nooo dont do that it will push him away he is waiting for you to say the same thing. He is scared how would you react after you told someone the lword and they didn't respond the way you expected.

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