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Does she like me?

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Hey, im a 16 year old student in california and I just wanted to get some advice on where i stand and some great advice from the people here. ok well let's begin. . .


My name is Anthony and there is this most wonderful , most beautiful girl at my school , we talk , share stories, laugh and have just the most wonderful

times together HeK she even laughs probably at the most stupidest things i say. We along with some other her friends were in a group and i told this most bizarre joke about the time when i dislocated my shoulder and what happened etc. . . (in a funny sarcastic way) and her and along with the group were BaLlIn and mean laughing and she was like so happy, and looked at me with those piercing eyes. . . those types of eyes to where you just melt when you seee em' anyway me and her HANG out EVERYDAY_ and i mean EVERYDAY at lunch and after school. we share same passion for ART and drawing.


We share many of our stories together like what we've done in the past etc. I asked her about recent brake up's like with boyfriends etc. and FIRST thing that came up after was that (begin quote) "OH! but we broke up WERE not TOGETHER NO MORE" (end quote) , We love hanging out together i walk her to and from school nearly everyday- - - since she lives right across the street from where i park my car--- i sometimes get a glimpse when im doing something and i look at her and shes looking at me but turns her head back like she reading or something. i dont really now whats going on but whenever i see her i get these butterflies like no other. she makes me feel so happY. SEE Shes a school GIRL i MEAN 4.0 STANFORD______ school girl and i REALLY REALLY like her.


i mean shes just wonderful. and beautiful in her special way at the same time. I REALLY REALLY want to tell her how i truly feel , but i keep hiding my true feeling for her, because i guess im trust trying to look out for her , i now how MUCH school is important to her, AND I don't want to be a person to JEAPORDIZE any of that so i just keep our relationship in the friend zone___ but recently ive had these feelings that im starting to think about her 24/7 and as much as i try i cant get her out of my head!! I MEAN i WOULD LOVE AND give anything to be her BOYFRIEND but because of school, and her priorities i keep my distance.


**Sorry for long story i just want to now where i stand and what i should do ** thanks everyone for help

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