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Thansgiving- being the other woman

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First happy Thanksgiving to all!

Is it an overall reaction to feel lonely and feel disregarded towards my feelings.

The story is that I'm in a relation for 5 month.

Someone I dated 12 years ago is back in my life.

She has a boy 4 years old and an ex partner of 8 years.

Me, I'm in love with her always liked her.

She doesn't think it's a good idea for me to spend thanksgiving with her because her ex partner is there , but also makes a point that it is her daughter's birthday.

She said to come then last minute she expresses how she really feels

"not a good idea to come to my family thanksgiving.

Met her family days before and invited me.

At the end I did not attend. She knows I'm alone and spending it alone.

we argued ...she new for days how I felt.

She has been separated for three years , her partner has been alone.

I have spent time with her daughter and I don't have anything against her ex partner ...we all met before.

Every time she speaks to her acts like she is alone.

The question is Am I wrong for feeling alone and not trusting of what she feels for me.

She calls tonight ask why is she calling me now she responds by

"i was with my family"

She have said during those 5month we have been together that I 'm part of her family and that she is in love.

Soo please help me with advice

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If something doesn't feel right in your gut, then listen to it. Sounds like she's leading you on!


You are not in a full fledged out in the open relationship which it seems you want to have. But, if you stay , you'll be kept a secret and only be a small part of her life.

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to her ex, there is unfinished business there. I am sure that her plans are quite different than yours and chances are, that while she cares for you, she isn't finished with her ex.


You have a few choices. You can wait it out and see what happens, or you can move on. It's really up to you and just how much time you are willing to invest in something that might not amount to anything meaningful


Best to you...You don't have to be alone. Just find someone else you like to spend time with..it doesn't even have to be romantically..

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She's been separated for 3 years with no divorce? Red flag!!! I think she totally disrespected your feelings. Perhaps you're seeing more in this relationship than is actually there. She's still connected to her ex. She needs to finish that relationship before embarking on one with you.

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