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does she like me????? reply

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ok,last school year i had a crush on my best friend whos a girl

and now this year i think im over her but still like her at the same time(if that dosent sound confusing).but anyway...

i'd noticed her looking at me in class,when i'm talking to my friend,not talking at all or just looking around the room day dreamingand the other day i was hanging around my group,and she was pretty close to me then her friend walked up to her and asked her a question i didnt hear the question but i heard her say"hes right there."

she also takes glances at me when im at my locker or just running around being retarted w/ my friends,she also laughs when i say somthing funny

are these any signs of affections 4 me??????????plz reply.

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Why would she lie to you? If you're honest and upfront with her about how you feel then she should hopefully give you the same respect back.


Do you have trust issues? Why wouldn't you trust her?

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No! If you aren't sure what you feel for her, then there is NO point in asking her what she feels for you. Until you decide what it is you want, don't do anything.


It's not fair, because what if it turns out she likes you, then you decide you don't feel it at all...She may get hurt in the process and also feel foolish.

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