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so am I the crazy pyscho?

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So today while in the bedroom I reached for my boyfriends phone to call mine because I could not find it. He was sitting next to me on the bed and there where a few missed calls and texts. At first he kinda fought me for the phone..but then just let me look at it. First I clear them so i can make a call then I read the texts and one in particular stood out "just thinking of you"..it was from one of this girl who is a family friend. She is also the same girl who I see he talks to almost everyday..when I asked him about it its because they run the same type of business and she helps him out with his office work..He has told me about her..I remember she was also there when he was trying to buy a house and she even went with him to pick up furniture for his house etc...sends txts saying she is praying for him when he was going through a difficult time..and I think they meet up//but I'm not really sure?


Now I told my boyfriend that I feel uncomfortable about there relationship. He reassured me that they were just friends. I then asked him to invite her to this party we were having tomorrow so I could meet her and feel more comfortable and he started getting angry. He said he felt insulted and that if he was comfortable with her that should be enough. I told him if I at least got to meet this person and got to know her a bit my uneasy feeling would go away....he then said I had to deal with it because there have been guy friends that I have had that he has never met that he had to deal with. So I mean...what do I do..if there is anything that is worth doing?

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No, you are not crazy.


There is something not right about this girl and your BF's reaction when you brought up her name. REally try to get to know her in person by holding another invitation, just so you can meet her. When you do actually meet, be super nice to her.


He's your BF, not your H. Perhaps you need to rethink your relationship?

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Yup, I think you need to meet her, see them together and note how they interact. If you are a person who's very conscious of body language, the signs will either scream at you or allow you relax. You'de be surprised how many unconscious signals people give off no matter how hard they try otherwise.

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So I mean...what do I do..if there is anything that is worth doing?


My immediate answer is "dump him". The fact that you're not allowed to meet her is way too suspicious.


But I try to give the person not posting the benefit of the doubt, so... Try again to ask him to meet her. If he says again that you have male friends he hasn't met and he has to deal with it, offer to let him meet them. Tell him that this is important to you. If you ask again and he's not willing to do this to relieve your fears, he's not putting your feelings as a priority. Then it may be time to rethink your relationship.

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