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Friend or more?

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i like a girl and she might like me,

i do know she has some sort of feeling for me at the least.


last week i tried to accept she didn't like me after ignoring me one day but i knew she had ignored me on purpose (maybe for a reaction i dunno)


so ive been distant from her this last week thinking maybe ive been fooling myself thinking she likes me when she doesnt.. after what happened in the past i have a sixth sense she does like me tho, you know the obvious signs of her looking over n stuff.


well anyway i was off two days ill and i get back only to find out that she asked the teacher and my best buddy where i was during the time i had off, she asked why im not in school and if im okay and stuff so ive started to think maybe she cares about me..


i mean who would ask a teacher where i am when im off and then ask my buddy straight after? and its not like were close friends or anything, she has her own group of friends to worry about but we speak when were alone when we get chances.. were just two people who spend dinners together and chat about hobbies, family and other stuff and so id say theres some interest from her there if shes asking me those sort of questions. what do you think?


i mean would a friend ask about you to the teacher to know where you are when you are off? its like its not the same without me being there but then i get back she seemed semi angry and quiet with me but maybe alittle happy to see me back when i said hi :) is there something more going on here like she likes me more than a friend? what to do next? ask her about her feelings?

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Why don't you ask her to get together with you? Maybe not one on one but if a group of your friends are going out, ask her to meet you there or something.


This will help you know better if she's interested and you can spend some time together outside of class.


I think you have her interest or she wouldn't have missed you. But from her asking doesn't say if it's friends or more.

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Thanks alot.

in my opinion for someone to like u they have to be thinking of you all the time right?


and for her wanting to know where i am i get the impression she would only ask that if she was really desperately wanting to know the answer, as she asked the 'teacher' especially. my friend also said she asked after class had finished when everyone else had left, would u wait about to just ask a question like that? with my normal friends i would continue life normally just thinking they were off school for a reason and not let it affect me, okay if i didn't see my mate for a full week id be confused but 2 days id say nope.


tbh if we were friends we would act more casually like friends would around each other but were both shy and quiet and were never in any consistent mood with each other, one day were happy, next we both act different.


if she misses my company, why does she? she doesn't get much time to spend with me anyway.. so if she enjoys the little time we have in 10 mins atm then i must of made a good impression through such little time.


i think she likes me already because..


when her friends are about she ignores me sometimes but when we are alone she is all flirty with me.


i notice she has said things like guys are flirting with her at the bus stop and at her work.. someone tell me its to make me jealous.


I notice one time when her friends were not in she lefts her bag on the chair next to me at my table as if she was going to sit with me but then her mates turned up at the last second then she moved back to her table :S


and she has very low self esteem i think because she is always telling me she doesn't feel good looking and that shes overweight (but she isnt..) so then i tell her i find her attractive and she hasn't asked the same question since.


she always asks for my permission to do things.. like things u would just normally do without asking.. she used to come in the room when im alone and say something like "hey is it okay if i sit in here with you", "can i turn the music up?", "im going to sit on your table if its okay". the day she sat at our table she was nervous but she came round the other side of the table and stood behind me then said "i really like your work" then walked back to her place :)


would it be time to ask her out you reckon?

i don't think she will go out in a group because i have the impression she wants her feelings to be secret just as much as i want mine to be too.

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