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Why do they contact you

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I was doing NC for a week after this guy I was dating for 2 months said he didn't see a relationship happening between us. He was very firm in his decision. But lo and behold he ended up text messaging me on Thanksgiving to say "Happy Thanksgiving". This is a guy who has never text messaged me. So, this is very out of the ordinary for him.


Why do they do this?

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I was doing NC for a week after this guy I was dating for 2 months said he didn't see a relationship happening between us. He was very firm in his decision. But lo and behold he ended up text messaging me on Thanksgiving to say "Happy Thanksgiving". This is a guy who has never text messaged me. So, this is very out of the ordinary for him.


Why do they do this?


I really want to know why is HE doing this?

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Honestly, it's to get reassurance that you still want them. Egos play a huge part in hearing from exes, especially from those that do the dumping. He thought he'd devastate you and when he didn't hear from you he figured he'd see if you're still mad at him. If not, maybe you'll stroke his ego for him by telling him how much you miss him and wish he hadn't broken up with you.


Ignore him. He's an ass.

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Honestly, it's to get reassurance that you still want them. Egos play a huge part in hearing from exes, especially from those that do the dumping. He thought he'd devastate you and when he didn't hear from you he figured he'd see if you're still mad at him. If not, maybe you'll stroke his ego for him by telling him how much you miss him and wish he hadn't broken up with you.


Ignore him. He's an ass.




Hmmm. I was thinking maybe it was because he was thinking about me and missed me a little? Can the ego be that big - that kind of hurts that he just wants his ego stroked. His text was like:


Happy Thanksgiving!!!


...as if we're pals or something.


I just don't know the point of that. Can't he get his ego stroked elsewhere? Why add fuel to the fire?

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He can't get his ego boost from anywhere else , he knows you had feelings for him. Which makes it even more easier.


I know what it's like , ignore them.

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It's not ALWAYS an ego boost.


He could miss you. Who knows? Just play it cool. If he contacts you again maybe you'll find out if it was his ego or something more. If he doesn't contact you again then you can assume that he was either wishing you a Happy Thanksgiving like any friend would do or being a jerk.

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Anything other than "I made a mistake, I want you back" does not warrant any type of response. You will get hurt if you let him back in and find out it was for his selfishness.


A guy friend told me it was about the ego boost. I didn't want to believe my ex was in that league of character. In hindsight, he was unfortunately on the money. Did he miss me? Sure he did. But he wasn't back to make things right or better. He was back because he was screwed up over the fact that I could walk away and disregard his existence.

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