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My Son's Psycho Step-Mother... !


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Hi there! My son's father and I broke up when my son was 3 months old (thank God I didn't marry him!) because he was an alcoholic, unemployed, and arrested for beating our son nearly to death because I told him I was taking the baby and leaving him. He was ultimately convicted of Felony Injury to a Child and sentenced to 10 years probation and supervised visitation...whoopee!


Anyway, just a few short months after we split up, the co-dependent freak hooked up with some chic he met online in a chat room. Needless to say, after his $600+ per month child support to me and $500+ per month child support to his ex-wife, the loser had to live with his mother for 4 years (he's 39 years old)! Eventually, he got tired of living with Mama so he moved in with online chat girl and let her support his sorry ass. Finally, she gave him an ultimatum that if he didn't marry her, he and his daughters (he finally got custody) would have to move back in with his Mom.


Anyway, she was successful in buying his affection and he married her in 2003. However, since they've been together, she has not allowed him to have any contact with the mothers of either of his kids because she is psychotically jealous and terrified he will cheat on her (he's a serial cheater...had sex with TWO women at the same time the night before his wedding to wife #1). Anyway, he didn't bother to show up for visitation for 7+ YEARS and only started paying child support after I got a court order and garnishment. Suddenly, last year when he stopped paying child support (again!) and I filed with the DA's office to get it, he wanted visitation all the sudden.


Well, amazingly, the Judge awarded him visitation and, at first, everything went surprisingly well. My ex and I were getting along great and my son was having fun with his father. That's when psycho-wife got all threatened and had to step in. She said that she would take care of everything and he wasn't allowed to talk to me! Anyway, after my son's third visit (in which she made my son eat rice for entire meals, sleep on the couch in his clothes even though I sent several pairs of jammies, and refused to buy my son a single toy even though they hadn't seen him in 8 years) psycho-wife has suddenly blocked my son's emails to his father, blocked our phone #'s from calling and has stopped paying child support.


Now, my ex doesn't have enough balls to stand up to her because she threatens to kick him out if he has anything to do with me or my son but I really need some advice if anyone out there has dealt with a psycho like this. It is tearing my son apart and really confusing him and he feels like his father has abandoned him twice now. This woman has convinced herself that I actually want her piece-of-**** husband that tried to kill my son, even though I have been happily married for over 6 years, have another child with my husband and he even gave my son his last name and tried to adopt him (but the sperm donor refused to sign off his rights).


Anyway, I can't afford an attorney right now but I don't know what to do. We were living our lives perfectly happy and my son believed that my husband was his biological father (though he IS his Daddy) since my husband raised him since the age of 23 months. Then, last year, out of nowhere, the sperm donor calls and tells my son that my husband is not his "real Dad" and that he is. This is coming from a man who hasn't sent as much as a ****in' birthday card or Christmas gift my son's entire life! Now he wants to be Mr. Dad. Then, I think he's finally grown up and changed and really wants to be a part of my son's life. Now, after just 3 visits, he's given into psycho-bitch and has totally abandoned my son again. I watch my poor baby call him every day and ask me why he doesn't love him and why he's choosing a woman over his own flesh and blood. It's heart-wrenching.


Anyway, this chic is psycho and she posts things about me all over the internet, makes fake accounts in my name on Swingers websites and even files false police reports against me with CPS and the police in her area for things I never did against people I've never met. Anyway, all I want is for my son's father to grow some balls and put this bitch in her place and put my son first. I want them to make up for the 8 years they've lost and I want my son to feel like his father actually gives a rats ass about him.


The Court's and police will not help keep this psycho under control. I've contacted all of them and since we live in different states, they always say it's "out of their jurisdiction". Anyway, have you ever met anyone so afraid to lose their husband that they won't allow him to have a relationship with his own child? I need advice on what to do and if any of you are an attorney who would be willing to do a pro bono case to have his parental rights severed, that would be terrific! T


hanks for listening and I wish you all the best! I would never wish this psycho on even my worst enemy! I hope nobody ever has to go through what I am going through!

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