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hi reader


so this is my problem....


8 months ago I fell for this guy but it seemed almost


impossible to get him..we were living at least 100km


apart, he was 3 years younger....i'm in university


he's not carrer minded...our first languages are


different, so are our backgrounds etc...different


interests, we listen to opposite type of music...but most of all different goals in life..but that didn't seem


important at the time, all i wanted was him.


i got to know him through my sister so i perpetrated


all kinds of tricks, i would invite myself over. suggest


we all get together...just to be close.nobody suspected anything.by the way, the feeling was mutual...i finnally


got what i wanted, it wasn't easy, we both had to


relocate etc but we made it and now we live together and love eachother very much...that's not what i wanna talk


about however....i'm wondering if any of you experiences the same feeling..i mean here is this guy whom i love


and worked so hard to get but i have those mood swings


it's like one day i'm SOOOOo in love with him, he means


the world to me...the other day he'll be nothing...a guy


without a education or a career, disguisting, ....one day he'll be handsome but the next i think he's ugly and can't look


at him..sometimes i want to leave him but sometimes


to me he's the best thing i could have..what is wrong


with me?could the problem exist in what we do...i mean


i'm abitious, he's not although he's smart....


does that mean i should look for someone who's also


career minded...but couples with opposite interests


and goals also work right.?im confused..i don't want


to loose him but at the same time i don't want to


waste our time and constantly hurt him by telling him


he's not good enough for me....


plzzzzzz help

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Could it be (just from how you worded the whole thing) that the "act" of achieving what looked impossible was more what attracted you than he?


That perhaps you just fell in love with the idea of being together with him, cuz he is so exotic and different from what you are, and not so much with him.


Perhaps you thought you could change by whatever you didn´t like in your life by that time if you could be together with him. And perhaps some part of you thought you would feel better about yourself if you could get his attention?


Perhaps you followed more your dreams than your real feelings?


I really do not want to offend you, and perhaps I am doing you injustice by saying that - but that was just what I thought when I read your letter.


Cuz it sounded not so much that the problem is the big difference between you, but that you seemed somehow dissapointed with what you´ve got because you that he would be different.

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