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How can I deal with the EX

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I need advised. I'm getting marry in six months. But I feel that he always leaves me behind. For example he had a thanksgiving party for his office, he didn't even mentioned to me, I found out because of one of his workers. He's answer was that it wasn't a big deal that's why I wasn't invited. Then the second day I found out that he will be hiring his ex girlfriend to work for him. I don't know her I just know that they know each other for more than 10 years. He told me that I had nothing to worry about that he had no feelings for her that whatever he had with her was in the pass, that he loved me that's the reason why he's marrying me. I still don't know how to deal with this situation and how it will affect my marriage. He had asked me to work with him in his company I said yes since it would be more convenient for me than driving to the job I have now that it takes me 1 hour 1/2 to get there every day, so I said yes, then he gave the job to someone else. Then now he told me that he doesn't want me working with him because Its not healthy for the relationship, but I don't see how having the ex working for him will be healthy for the relationship. He's thing is making money he told me that he needed her to make money that's why he was hiring her and a friend of hers. I need help I haven't been able to sleep in the past days just thinking about this issue, please help.

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You should be very wary of him working with his ex. Sometmes feelings can return if you spend alot of time with your ex. He doesn't seem to be very respectful of your feelings. Have you told him how you feel about him working with his ex? Have they been in regular contact snce they split? You need to tell him how you feel. Don't take crap like this or he will always treat you like this. My ex had an affair with her boss, she did it beore she met me. She quit a few months later but ended going back to work for him. I never like the fact that she saw him every day for 8 hours. It made me feel angry and jealous. You will always have doubts about him and her being together. It will bother you constantly.

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