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Disrespected on the first date!


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I met a guy on an online dating site and we had emailed and talked on the phone quite a bit for about a month before meeting. So going into the date we seemed to have a really nice time talking to each other and we both had seen pictures of each other.


The moment we meet I could tell right away that he wasn't really into me and I wasn't that blown away by him either. And that's fine. Chemistry tends to be an instant thing...either it's there or it's not. But at the very least we had enjoyed talking before, so I figured we would just enjoy each others company and the evening and then go our seperate ways. You know, like a normal person would.


We met at an outdoor Christmas festival. We walked around, looking at the little shops and had a couple of drinks. We sat down to chat and while we were talking his cell phone goes off. He says, "Hang on a minute", answers the call and starts talking to his friend about football while I sat there.


I was stunned. So I got up and left. This is the first time I've ever walked out on a date. I hated to do it. But I was so insulted and I wasn't about to sit there while he yacked on the phone!


It's fine if you're not interested romantically in someone you're on a blind date with. But at least treat the other person with some respect, especially when you were previously interested enough in the other person on a conversational level. We are both in our 30's and he should have been mature enough to know better. If he wanted to cut the evening short all he had to do was shake my hand and say, "Well it's been a pleasure meeting you. You're a nice gal and I hope you have good luck in your dating search."


I guess I'm just ranting. But I'm interested to know if anyone else has had this happen to them.

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That was just rude. Don't blame you for walking away.


I remember getting a call on a date and I left it vibrate and goto VM. My date asked if I was going to answer it. I said no, I'm on a date & I can get it later.

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I feel you on the cell phone thing. That bugs me to no end. It happened a bit during my worst date ever:






HA! Thanks for sharing your dating nightmare story! Sounds like BBL isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. Perhaps if she ate something her brain cells wouldn't be shriveled up. Unfortunately, men pass up the pretty girl-next-door types, like myself, to chase after high-maintenance, primped-up primadonnas like BBL.

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Unless I have a need to have it on, I will make a point of either showing her that I am turning it off or leaving it in my car.

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But I'm interested to know if anyone else has had this happen to them.

Yes! It happened in a restaurant while we were studying the menus. As she was yacking away (after about five mintues), I excused myself to go to the restroom. I got up, walked past the restroom, out the door, into my car, and went home! I just left her there.

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In these situations people prefer to take the easy way out. I wouldnt be surprised that this happened.


I've been trying this online thing and have been speaking to this girl a couple weeks so far i met online. So far neither of us has had luck in meeting in person. Chemistry is truly difficult over the web.

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About 15 minutes. lol. It wasn't a first date. This was a girlfriend, and I sensed her declining interest for some time before that night. The cell phone was the straw that broke the camel's back, as they say. I knew the relationship was over, so I decided to have some fun with it! I literally haven't communicated with her since I excused myself from the table that night several years ago, although she left several voice mails and e-mails that went unanswered. ;)

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Unfortunately, men pass up the pretty girl-next-door types, like myself, to chase after high-maintenance, primped-up primadonnas like BBL.


Well, FWIW, I--and most men, for that matter--like girl-next-door types. But I'm also a sucker for a huge rack. :D

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Well, FWIW, I--and most men, for that matter--like girl-next-door types. But I'm also a sucker for a huge rack. :D


Um, some GND types are also very well-endowed. ;)


In these situations people prefer to take the easy way out.


Wouldn't it be easier just to say goodnight? I've done it. It's not hard at all. Seems like he was looking for a way to do it in the a disrespectful way. :mad:

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