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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Hello everyone, just need a bit of a reality check so any input from guys and girls will really be appreciated, this is not too long a read, I’ve tried to shorten it but thank you if your reading this, sorry if it sounds mechanical, I tried to get a lot in.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]I’ve started seeing a guy (at least I think started seeing him) about 2 months ago, we hanged out about 3 times then I initiated a date and it went really well, we ended at his place fooling around.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Then he called within 6 days, I responded with a call and then there was nothing. So the next time I was in his neighbourhood I called him to collect something I’d forgotten there the previous time. He arranged for us to see each other, we had coffee and ended up at his place fooling around, there seemed to be a real connection, I spend the night sleeping in his arms (no sex) the next morning he dropped me off at my place. That night he called from bed saying he was tired and just wanted to say hi.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]The next night he picked me up again and once again the routine of coffee and fooling around, only this time it ended in sex. Once again I spend the night and everything was fine, the next morning he cot up really early, dropped me off at my place and then went exercising. I remember one of the last thing was I jokingly told him to call me this time, he joked around with me, then kissed me goodbye.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]So I was expecting him to do the drop off the planet again, but that evening really late he called just to say hi.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]So I took this as a good sign and about 2 days later called and talked a bit, but he was with friends so we cut it short.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]My question. Is there something here? I haven’t heard anything from him yet and it’s been 3 days. Should I call again?[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]PS: Some other info, we live about 4 hours apart, and this all happened in his home town where I travelled for business. I have mentioned that I wanted to visit him, just to hang out and he said it would be ok but I should let him know so he can clear his schedule so that I actually hang out with him and not his couch.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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[sIZE=3][FONT=Times New Roman]Another thing is that he really doesn't talk long on a phone, he gets the message across and that's it.[/FONT][/sIZE]

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he likes your booty. i'd be thrilled too if i got booty. it seems that you guys really make connections on his couch and no other place. hmmm... continue spending time on the couch because that's where you guys have most fun. a good and healthy boyfriend-girlfriend relationship will ensue.


goodluck! :rolleyes:

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Thank you for your reply, it gave me a glimmer of hope, but I think a lass I might only be a booty call and that's not what I want, so I'm going to hold out and see if he calls otherwise, I don't know, depends on how I feel in a couple of days I'll decide if I'll contact him again to see if he'd like to get together and just hang out or something.


What you think should I try one more time to see where I stand?

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I have mentioned that I wanted to visit him, just to hang out and he said it would be ok but I should let him know so he can clear his schedule so that I actually hang out with him and not his couch.

This bit sounds promising.

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Gave him a call last night, and it went really well, thanks for the advice, it gave me the guts to call again and it turned out to be a good thing.

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Ok it's me back again, just as I thought everything was fine and I was all happy confusion strikes again.


So I called him and it was great, but now it's been over a week and no news from him.


What do I do, do I give him a call to confirm our weekend plans that's comming up in 9 days time or do I wait to see if he will call to confirm.


Whats bothering me is that I seem to be doing the work and he's just cruzing along, is he not interested or is he just happy to have a girl do al the work?


I sometimes get the feeling he really likes me, but not enough to initiate anything, like he doesn't mind me and he has fun when I'm around, but other than that, the distance is too much and he perhaps feels it's not worth the effort or something.


Does anyone think I'm on to something. What should I do?


I appreciate any input, positive and negative, thank you!

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Is he treating you the way you'd like to be treated? If not, move on.


If you don't mind sitting around wondering what he's thinking, when/if he's going to call, whether he really cares about you or you're just a booty call...then, fine, keep pursuing him.


A guy who is really into you, would be excited that you were coming to visit, would make some effort to confirm arrangements with you, and would be contacting you in the meantime until your visit. To me, it sounds like he enjoys your company and the fooling around, but he's not going to go out of his way to make it happen...like, he never considered coming to visit you, did he?

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or you're just a booty call...


A guy who is really into you, would be excited that you were coming to visit, would make some effort to confirm arrangements with you, and would be contacting you in the meantime until your visit.


Thank you so much for replying Norajane, I really appreciate it, when your in the middel of something you don't always see clearly.


I'm not sure, but I think for a booty call he is the one that should initiate it, though he has always been very attentive when I'm in his area, calling to make sure we'll get together, he's never called me just to initiate fooling around.


As for getting more excited that I'm coming, that does ring true, why isn't he thrilled. I know that he is busy running 3 businesses (the are all doing very well, he is very successful) and that me coming around means he has to take time to do private stuff that he usually doesn't, most of the times I've spoken to him he's been at work until about 10 at night. He's now employed people that he's training that will eventually take over some of the responsibility, but I'm no fool these things can take time.


So what I'm planning on doing is waiting this weekend to see if he'll call. I'm a busy girl and have loads on my plate so not like I'll be waiting by the phone, and if he doesn't I'll give him a call during the week. He may not be thinking that our weekend is coming up so soon, (I hope that's it).


And from there we'll see... I'll keep you guys up to date.

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