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Friends or more?

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I have a close male friend who I went to University with and now I want more. We have kept in contact for the last four years after uni and in the last year we have been very close. The distance that we live apart makes visiting hard, but we have managed to see each other about every six months. We both get excited when the time draws close to a visit. We email daily and have cute pet names for each other.


While at Uni we were close friends while I had a boyfriend and he was one of my few confidences about that relationship. For the entire seven years that I have known him I can only remember one girlfriend that he has had, while I have had a number. Currently we are both single, working hard and enjoying a social life. Although we both complain about a lack of sexlife and relationship.


Our conservations lately have some flurting in amongst the pleseant chatter. I have been growing very fond of him and I'm wrestling with the idea of moving on from being just close friends to something more intimate. During the emails I have dropped a few hints but I don't know whether they were picked up on. We have planned a holiday together over the christmas period and I would like at that time to tell him know I feel. I really want to do it in person to assess the body language in the response. The problem that I am now faced with is that he has confided in me about his love with a women at work.


I'm devastated and am now considering never telling him how I feel. I am also curious to find out more about this women as he has never mentioned her before and I thought that we were very close. I know a lot of other personal stuff about him that no-one else knows.


Do you think this other women exists or am I deluding myself that he might feel the same way about me that I do for him. Do I tell him how I feel and run the risk of losing a close friend?

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I would say - do not put too many hopes in that holiday, but wait to make your decision in telling him till you are there!


If you feel that he shows some interest in you, than tell him, but during this holiday - if you do not get any impression other than him just seeing a good friend in you, then perhaps it´s better not to tell him!


Take time in this, it took you 7 years to find out about your feelings for him, so I think waiting till Xmas should work! :-)

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