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Am I a controlling husband by doing this?

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Sorry Woggle, I don't mean to split hairs, but did you say your WIFE is "living rent free"? Rent? Free? Aren't you in a partnership? Are you maybe looking at this a little too paternalistically? Also, is she able to contribute to the mortgage? If she could/could have, would you want her to? I get the sense that you set this up to protect yourself if things don't work out, but as a result you don't like that she contributes less, which, not to put too fine a point on it, is something you asked for in the first place. One might think you don't exactly dig on the situation as it stands, despite your sensible-ish intentions.


My thoughts? You married her. Try trusting her.

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Sorry Woggle, I don't mean to split hairs, but did you say your WIFE is "living rent free"? Rent? Free? Aren't you in a partnership? Are you maybe looking at this a little too paternalistically? Also, is she able to contribute to the mortgage? If she could/could have, would you want her to? I get the sense that you set this up to protect yourself if things don't work out, but as a result you don't like that she contributes less, which, not to put too fine a point on it, is something you asked for in the first place. One might think you don't exactly dig on the situation as it stands, despite your sensible-ish intentions.


My thoughts? You married her. Try trusting her.


He can't trust her. He can trust no women. His views of women are severely damaged by his past issues. He will continue to play house and keep his insecurities from his wife.

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If it gives Woggle a feeling of security to have a prenup, so be it. If the man I was affianced to wanted me to sign one, I would do so with no reservations. Keep in mind that I would also expect him to sign one too. We each get to keep what we bring to the marriage table, which technically speaking, is already law in Canada. Money and assets can all be made. Finding someone you want to share your life with, is far more difficult.

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