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There's this one girl I see in church every week, and I would like t get to know her better. I have tried to make offhand remarks, just to "plant a seed," like last week, after shaking "peace" I remarked that the priest must be really hot under all that garb, to which shesmiled, and laughed. How do I elevate the level...ask her out and stuff...I mean, it would be real easy in a bar, but Church!!??


Ladies, what would be the most normal way to go about this?

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Telephone number! Exchange numbers so you can talk more. In the mean time keep pimpen your smile and your charm till she cant contain herself.

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I mean..yeah, I would love to ask her for her #...but just right out of the blue?? Its a little awkward to just ask...when, after mass, how to do it smoothly and naturally??

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In the mean time you can amuse her with your smiles and charm. Find someone in the church that knows her and ask them to introduce you. You could introduce yourself. If you have already met but just cant find the time to talk than get her number.


Keep an eye out for her next time and possibly sit with her.

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why don't u ask her to do something after mass? a coffee or something like that? whether or not she agrees, by her reaction, u'll most likely be able to tell if you have any chances...


if she refuses but seems like she'd go another time, that's a good way to ask for her number...


that's what'd seem natural to me :)


best of luck,


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Tell her you haven't been to Confession in a very long time...and you have a need to confess that you'd like to get to know her better. Then ask her what you need to do to make a perfect act of contrition....like ten Hail Marys and take her to dinner.


Many females would consider Church a great place to meet nice guys. Maybe you should pray harder for the nerve to approach this gal.


I always go straight to St. Jude, since most everything I do seems hopeless at first.


Peace be with you!

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find out if she's involved in any ministries at church, i.e. working with kids, teaching, doing the St. Vincent dePaul thing, that's always good fodder for conversation. Then casually suggest going over to the parish center for coffee (if your parish does that) or grabbing something at a cafe in town. Chances are, she'll (or he will -- if you're a girl) won't feel as awkward as if you're meeting for the first time in a nightclub or bar.

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HEY! Can't you talk to her after church, I mean after service, right outside the door? But I wouldn't make more remarks about the priest or about confession because if a guy would say that to me I probably would laugh my head off! :D There also has been a guy who tried to "pick me up" in church, he held my hand while saying peace and didn't let go of it anymore... it was a rather scarry experience. I would feel weird if a guy did this to me during service, but afterwards if he asked me for my number and I thought he looked cute I probably would give it to him! Hey, good luck! ;)

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