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Did I find the player in him???

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What do you do when a guy whom you used to (and think you still might) care for very much says "call me if you need anything" after he asked you to hold on while he was laughing and helping a girl figure out the seatbelt in his car. Yes! I'm not joking lol! Laughing and saying "Its my moms car, what do you want me to do?"


I think I should get over this guy. I was with him for about 3 months over the summer. It was a great summer, but he had too much going on with his babys mother and I had a lot of drama with my recent ex. We have been checking in with each other, about once or twice every month....having long, in depth conversations. He can really open up to me, and I know he likes that. I make him feel comfortable.....


BUT- I have had a few girls tell me that he is a PLAYER and that he would do anything to get back with his babys mother.


I saw him about a week ago, and we had sex. We talked for a long time, and caught up. I didn't expect to get back together with him, but I also didn't expect to call him up a week later and hear some girl in the background. I wanted to ask who he was with, but he wasn't even acting like himself and I didn't want things to be awkward.


Did I finally find the player in him? Am I the fool?


What did he mean by "Call me if you need anything."


Was he trying to send a message to her or me? And who could "her" be? I wanted to ask....but it almost wasn't even worth more embarressment.


Is he just toying with my emotions?


Man, this hurts. I won't lie.

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