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Hey...good for you Tragic, sorry it ended this way but at least you saved yourself future trouble...


Only...not so fast....he wont leave now, so I am faced with a predicament..


maybe do some honesty tests


Yes, this was my idea with this guy, and he passed for the first year and a half. What to do with wasted time? And how could I be so stupid??


Thanks for all the advice, you guys.

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Whoops, I missed the second page. Here is my post anyway...


It's probably too late to contribute advice, but here are a couple of things to think about:


1) Psychologists have pretty much determined that everybody lies. I think the average was 2.5 lies in a 5 minute interview. I think the real issue is the extent of it. Perhaps 1 in a 100 people NEVER lie. Think about this for a minute, and you will realize it is true.


2) If he is really up to no good, he will almost undoubtably try and cover his ass. Alternatively, it's quite possible the situation is not what you think. Often the answer is not A, B, or C, but rather Q.


3) Given #2 above, it's quite possible the only way you will find out the truth is by your own investigation. Unless, of course, the chances for any cover up are obviously futile. Knowing this, be prepared to either drop it, or demand proof, and know how you'll react if there is no proof.


4) Some people will say I'm cynical and paranoid and untrusting, and that they would never be a relationship with someone they can't trust. Ha. Some people believe in <insert tooth-fairy, Santa Claus, Angels, the Loch Ness monster here> too.

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How about if you leave?


Is he on the title of your house? I'd call the cops and have them escort him off the property.

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Be honest and ask him. People are telling you to be honest for a reason, because relationships are not built on lies.


But if you really want, go rent a gps tracking device from your local spy shop, hide it in his car and have at it. Spying can be fun, but do it only if you know your gonna brake up with him and you really wanna "get him".

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