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well ok, I've never done this before but I'll give it a shot.;) I'm a mid age woman with four kids and been married for almost 20 yrs. I got married very young and had kids right away. I'm not conceited but I've always been pretty to look at, but everyone says I've gotten better looking with age. my husband is a few years older than me and had some sexual experience before we got married, myself, well I was a vergin so he was my first and I have been totally faithful to him the whole time... although on occasion I have fantasized of being with someone else. Well here it is, I normally am a very shy and private person, even with my husband I have a hard time showing my sexual side. I think I'm one of those people though that has a natural sex appeal to others cause even just going to the grocery store men hit on me and women give me dirty looks.:( , well even my husband says that about me and that he loves everything about me and that all I have to do is be naked and he gets turned on by me even after 20 yrs. So I have this sex appeal, but normally cant use it because of my shyness, well I recently found out that I like "using" it! We just got back on a vaca to mexico and while we were there I discovered margaritas, mind you they were "ultimate" margaritas and well it was like turning from Dr. Jeckel to mister Hide!!!!:D I danced all night with other men and women, trying to grab at me the whole time. My husband was sitting at the bar watching with his mouth wide open practically drewling. There was even men taking picts of me, they were calling me beautiful and whispering things in my ear, that I was too drunk to understand at the time. Well, any who this went on for the next few nights until we had to go and on the last night I flashed my d cup chest at some men in a titty bar and was being cheered on for more.:bunny: well, needless to say, i didn't want to leave mexico for the first time in my life I let go and me and my husband had probably the best sex we've had in well sadly to say a couple years. Well ok, I'm trying to cut this as short as poss, well my hubby has gotten very turned on by all this too, and wants the passion to continue so he wants to try new things. He likes the fact that other men wanted his wife like he does. He has offered up some suggestions and I'm not sure about it all. I know that if any other guy went too far with me it would devistate my marriage, my husband really likes the fact that no other man has ever been with me and he appreciates me for that, but he still gets a kick out of other men wanting me. So like one suggestion he has is to post anonomous and faceless sexy picts of me on the net. Need some advice, I want to keep the passion going, lets face it after 20 yrs, things get old!:sick: But I also dont want to ruin our marriage which is very sacred to both of us, we were luck to have found true love and want it to continue forever. any advice or personal experience would be great... dont want to be stuck in a rut anymore

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well, I don't think I'd go along with the pics on the net thing, BUT, who says you can only go out dancing and get drunk and have fun in MEXICO ????


Hire a sitter, get a hotel room and go out dancing and basically make it a point to relive the mexico days !



also, why not experiment with sex toys or soft core porn or something titillating, yet private ?

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Firstly I got to say wow I'm so jealous to be still like that with one another after 20 yrs is great.

I definatley think trying new things is a good idea and you should constantly think of things all the time. Thats what I plan to do next time I meet someone, like melody says get a room somewhere have a good night out you don't need to be in mexico.

Also both go out for a night seperate act as if your both single and end up with each other at the end of the night, sex toys, tying each other up theres all sorts of fun things to do.

As for the pics that seems like his fantasy if you make the pics tasteful it might not be too bad, then you have a serious think what your ultimate fantasy is and make him a deal. Just don't get carried away.

I think your both amazing and I hope I can meet someone like that in the future not yet I'm not split from my husband yet love him to bits but not enough and no sexual desire with him but i do for other men.(not gud)

So get it done live a little you'll love it but only do things your both 100% comfortable with.

Good Luck

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I sure am no expert here on this matter but the two of you need to be careful and not let go of the VERY special bond you have.


Never been in your shoes but I have seen how quick it is for a marriage to fall apart. Keep that genie in a bottle. Don`t get too wild. What you have on a bad day is more than most couples have on a good one.


You can lose it. And fast. Sexuality can be intoxicating and before you know it someone has gone too far and damage is done. There are people like me who have never had one day in their life of what you have had for almost 20 years. There are also a lot of people who take joy in people like yourself falling flat on your ass. It is a perverse joy that makes people happy because they can say, see they are just like us.

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love all the imput given thus far. What you said "road rage" is so true. we dont want to lose what we have, but try to gain more in positive ways. Building up what you have is key while not jeopordizing it

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