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Cheating? or sounds a little far fetched?

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Quick question.


Yesterday i thought i saw something weird on my boyfried's collar. Almost like powder. Like you would have to rub it out with your hand to get it off. I said what's that on your shirt and he said oh fuzz from the dryer, the shirt is old. He wasn't able to see what i saw obviously.


I said no--this right here isn't fuzz(there was fuzz in the other areas that he was referring to). And he said where, and he saw it on his collar and he said the shirt is probably fading too. The shirt wasn't exactly new. It was a navy blue or black one. I let it go and figured how would some kind of powder get on it anyway from a girl? Let it go? Being a little paranoid? Seems a little far fetched?

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I think you're over reacting abit. It could be from his deoderant. Don't assume the worst quite yet.


Other than that one thing, is there any reason why you'd suspect him cheating on you?

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Quick question.


Yesterday i thought i saw something weird on my boyfriend's collar. Almost like powder. Like you would have to rub it out with your hand to get it off. I said what's that on your shirt and he said oh fuzz from the dryer, the shirt is old. He wasn't able to see what i saw obviously.


I said no--this right here isn't fuzz(there was fuzz in the other areas that he was referring to). And he said where, and he saw it on his collar and he said the shirt is probably fading too. The shirt wasn't exactly new. It was a navy blue or black one. I let it go and figured how would some kind of powder get on it anyway from a girl? Let it go? Being a little paranoid? Seems a little far fetched?



Are you kidding me? Powder? Based on that logic almost anything unusual can be seen as him being somewhere where he wasn't supposed to be. Maybe he brushed up against something on the bus. Jesus.


I have my insecurities, but I don't blame the other person for it. Just realize this is your problem and you're making this up out of the blue. Don't try to justify it. If that's your reason for thinking he's cheating on you than it's probably because you're insecure about how he feels for you in general. And in that case, you should talk to him about it.

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