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Is this considered abuse?


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I didn't know it at the time, but I found out through one of my ex-girlfriends, that I snore sometimes. Not lightly. I sounded like the Space Shuttle blasting off!


We'd be in bed. Sleeping and all's well. Then I'd skip the countdown and go straight to lift-off. She'd try everything to get me to stop. A little shake. Scratching my head. Rubbing my back... nothing worked. One night she got really ticked off. She started beating the crap out of me as I slept in an attempt to silence my snoring.


It didn't work too well. I'm a very deep sleeper and not much wakes me up anymore. Well, I woke up the next morning feeling like I got hit by a speeding freight train. From my shoulders to me knees. Front and back. I was one hurtin' unit! She must have pounded on me for at least twenty minutes to inflict that much pain. I laugh about it now, and you can too, but it wasn't too funny that morning.


She told me what happened and how she couldn't get me to stop. I apologized immediately for keeping her up at night. I never knew I snored. She also apologized for walloping me the night before.


This might sound kind of funny, but can that actually be considered assult? I would never consider charges against her. It was years ago and we've both moved on with our lives. She's married and has a beautiful little daughter, Samantha.


F.Y.I.: She was Irish. A fiery little redhead.

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This might sound kind of funny, but can that actually be considered assult? I would never consider charges against her. It was years ago and we've both moved on with our lives. She's married and has a beautiful little daughter, Samantha.

I don't know but you better get to the doctor to find out why you slept through the beating she gave you. That's abnormal.


F.Y.I.: She was Irish. A fiery little redhead.

did she have a red bush also? :laugh:

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Ummmm, my question actually is, why didn't she just move into another bedroom or move on the couch in the livingroom?


What she did was wrong...So wrong. Imagine if the situation was reversed and it was her snoring and you couldn't wake her up!! Holy crap, you'd be in jail SO fast, your head would spin!

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Yeah in no way is that right...I mean poking and stuff trying to wake someone up from snorring is one thing, but actually hitting them in anger...yeah abuse

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Believe it or not, people have actually murdered their spouses over snoring. It's called years of sleep deprivation. What she did was wrong though.


Please, go see a doctor. You may have sleep apnea which isn't good for you.

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My question is if it was so many years ago, why are you just now so concerned about it?


Lol.. get a hobby... and some of those breathe-right strips.

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What she did was so wrong. She just should have moved into another room if it was bugging her. Someone has some anger problems and I'm glad she is your ex now. No telling what else she would have done to you while you were sleeping if you were still together.


Now there are somethings that I can sleep thru, but someone who is physically beating me, um no, you should have woken up. You might want to like others have said, get that checked out.

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I dunno. Unless this is a pattern of behavior then no, I wouldn't label it abusive.


My Dad had sleep apnea for years. When we were little, we could ALL hear him snoring ALL GODDAMN NIGHT. In our separate bedrooms.


My sisters and I would lob things at him to get him to shut up. We were abusive little ****s, weren't we?


But it is hellish to be unable to sleep, in another room because someone is snoring. Absolutely hellish.

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When we were little, we could ALL hear him snoring ALL GODDAMN NIGHT. In our separate bedrooms.

I can't imagine that unless you guys had a very small house.

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Not too small. He had horrendous sleep apnea. He had to have a nose job, too, he had his nose broken so many times there was too much scar tissue. one time he had his nose actually punched right off his face.

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I know I have sleep apnea. I have tried those snoring strips too. They're a joke. I guess they actually do work if you're a mild snorer. But from what I've been told I was more like John Force going down the 1/4 mile. Nasty! I've always been a deep, deep sleeper. My old apartment building got struck by lightening on night. I slept straight through it.


I have seen a doctor. That's where I was diagnosed with sleep apnea. There are several options available to me and I am investigating all of them. Surgery is looking more and more likely.


I was just more curious than anything I suppose. I've always considered assult as, "me hitting you and you hitting me". Fighting. I can understand and appreciate her position that night. Even now, I still can't help laughing about it. I just think it's funny, that's all.


That incident wasn't why we stopped seeing each other. We did end our relationship on good terms. Keeping good memories and feelings inside us.


I was a long time ago and it's just one of those things that's always been in the back of my mind. She told me she refused to leave because she liked having me sleep with her. She liked my company I geuss. She was a very sweet girl and I have nothing but fond memories of her.


Why can't all relationships end this way?


P.S.: For alphamale: no bush, waxed!

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I don't know but you better get to the doctor to find out why you slept through the beating she gave you. That's abnormal.



did she have a red bush also? :laugh:


Dude you're hilarious! Silly me, but I still get amazed by your comments.:lmao:

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Dude, you have sleep apnea. Get to the doctor and get a sleep study done, fast!


I got back from the specialist today. He suggested UPPP ([FONT=Arial]UVULOPHARYNGOPALATOPLASTY). It doesn't sound like a whole lot of fun, but he's very optimistic about the outcome. He talked a lot about removing tissues. [/FONT]


[FONT=Arial]I am looking into this as a possible fix for my problem. Well, not so much for me. This is more for my partner.[/FONT]


[FONT=Arial]I'll keep you posted.[/FONT]

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someone once told me i have sleepies apples as well, but the funny thing is, as soon as i stopped using a certain thang - my sleep was pretty darn normal and no snoring. go figure!

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I don't know what the hell happened to my last post there. What's with all those [ ]??? Whatever!


My final diagnosis...


I have a mild alergic reaction to fish. I only snore when I eat fish. That's why it's so difficult to pinpoint. I like beef. Next to coffee, beef is my other major food group. Then, it's sweets. Since I seldom eat fish, it's harder to isolate that food as the cause of my snoring.


I'm lacking a specific enzyme used to break down the proteins in fish meat. The proteins from the fish result in an abnormal breathing pattern causing my snoring.


I can take drugs to combat this condition, stop eating fish or just shut up and deal with it. I think I'll just stop eating fish.


Well, ain't that just a kick in the butt? Problem solved! F'n fish!




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Like a ferret? They have that same protein - fish thingie, but they don't snore because of it, there poop really stinks.


Awww... thats cute... your like a big person-ferret... or something.. tell that to your next girl friend that complains about the snooring.

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Allergies also make me snore, but I'm allergic to so many things, including breathing air, that I would never be able to completely isolate all of that which makes me snore. I know that beer has something in it (yeast?) that makes my snoring significantly worse and louder. But I love beer!


As for your original question, I think beating someone for snoring is pretty "abusive", but I must correct one thing. Technically it is not assault, it is battery. In law, assault is a verbal threat of attack, battery is the act of a physical attack. She battered you.

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