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Grrrr! Chapped Lips!

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For the past 2 months or little over two months I guess, my lips have been so chapped. I have never really had chapped lips before, and especialy to last this long. The weather here is not even cold yet, so I don't think its that. I don't lick my lips alot and haven't changed lips sticks etc.


I have tried anything from, Carmex, Blistex lip infusion, regular ol' chapped stick, Aveeno chapped stick, Burt's Bees chapped stick, to vaseline, to nothing. I don't get why nothing is working? I have been pretty consistant with the things I have tried, so I'm not sure whats causing this problem. They are just chapped. They burn, and frankly I'm tired of them burning and peeling. Does anyone know what might be causing this or have any other remedies for me to try? I could go to the doc and if they don't heal I might have too anyway, but thought I would see if there was something I could try to help them heal.

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Zink cream, try that. It will help with the burning.


PS I love your avatar!! Which means my favourite movie will be playing a 24 hour marathon on Dec 24th!

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Zink cream, try that. It will help with the burning.


PS I love your avatar!! Which means my favourite movie will be playing a 24 hour marathon on Dec 24th!



Thanks WWIU, I'll try anything at this point. Is that something I can get in the stores like over in the pharmacy section? Yeah I love that movie too. 25 days of Christmas started yesterday the 1st, and on a certain channel they will play all Christmas shows all the way up to Christmas. They play a Christmas Story alot. :)





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I wonder what caused this to happen all of a sudden? I have never had this to happen before. *Sigh* guess theres a first time for everything. :p:D

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I wonder what caused this to happen all of a sudden?


Maybe take the bar of soap out of your mouth?? Some soaps have a drying effect....






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Maybe take the bar of soap out of your mouth?? Some soaps have a drying effect....







doh! hahahaha! :lmao::p

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Honestly, even though it says not to be used around the mouth, I usually end up using hydrocortizone cream when my lips get real bad like that...


It softens, and promoted healing from the inside out. (I sound like a commercial)



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I wonder what caused this to happen all of a sudden? I have never had this to happen before. *Sigh* guess theres a first time for everything. :p:D


Stress? Or it's just this time of year where just about every part of the body itches and stuff. All I know is my feet are ripping socks like you wouldn't believe! I need some feet cream or something!! :laugh:

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All I know is my feet are ripping socks like you wouldn't believe! I need some feet cream or something!! :laugh:

thats gross man! i like soft & supple feet on girls

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All I know is my feet are ripping socks like you wouldn't believe! I need some feet cream or something!!


:lmao: That was hilarious! Mine are the same way! I have had alot of dental procedures lately where I have had to have my mouth open for a period of time, i'm wondering if this has something to do with it? I also read that chapped lips that wont heal, can be a sign of a Vitamin B deficency or low iron. So I might look into uping my Vitamins, which I don't take those consistantly, so that might have something to do with it.




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Oh, mercy... yeah, the dentist will do your lips in good...


Vitamin E also helps. Not just with lips, but to improve skin overall..


And Alpha: It's a good thing that none of these girls would touch you with a 10 foot pole, much less their feet, so not to worry, eh pal?

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Oh, mercy... yeah, the dentist will do your lips in good...


Vitamin E also helps. Not just with lips, but to improve skin overall..


And Alpha: It's a good thing that none of these girls would touch you with a 10 foot pole, much less their feet, so not to worry, eh pal?


Oh no, now you provoked him into making some sort of cheesy comment about 'his' 10 foot pole...I'm sure the girls will run further away from him after that tho...

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Oh no, now you provoked him into making some sort of cheesy comment about 'his' 10 foot pole...I'm sure the girls will run further away from him after that tho...


Wow, Card... You're a mind reader! (tho I wasn't totally sure that there was a mind in there to read)

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What, are you saying that someone without a mind could write 14,000 meaningless posts??


Owell, now that I look at it that way...

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This may sound obvious, but make sure you're drinking plenty of water. And look at what you're eating. Sometimes when I eat a lot of salty foods, like chips or popcorn, it tears up my lips.

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This may sound obvious, but make sure you're drinking plenty of water. And look at what you're eating. Sometimes when I eat a lot of salty foods, like chips or popcorn, it tears up my lips.


Yeah I had a friend of mine tell me it was possible I was getting dehydrated. I do love salt too! No wonder I stay bloated. :rolleyes::laugh: Anyway I usually have to make myself drink lots of fluids and always have. I have been pushing the water more, so hopefully that will help.


I think after I continue to push the fluids, watch my salt intake, take my vitamins on a more consistant basis, and try these other remedies people are suggesting, and if all that doesn't work, might be time for a trip to the doc to find out why they are staying this way.

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I just keep chapstik in the car and whenever I go for a drive I put some on my lips. This is only during winter of course. I have very dry skin.

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He he love the avvie Jadestar.


Besides, what WWIU mentioned, just drink water and chap stick doesn't hurt. My lips get dry during the winter months and my knuckles even start drying up. I am not looking forward to this cold weather.


P.S. You'll shoot your eye out.;)

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Are you taking any drugs, like Accutane for acne? My sister took that for a while and it totally dried out her skin, including her lips.

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Are you taking any drugs, like Accutane for acne? My sister took that for a while and it totally dried out her skin, including her lips.


Nope, no other kinds of meds. Thank goodness they haven't split or cracked open, they just burn more than anything, its just annoying.

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Hydration is key. Drink a liter or more of water a day. For additional help for your lips try the Cocoa Butter Lip Care stick from the Bodyshop. It's the only product that's worked for me for those really dry times:




As for people with dry skin in general, try this one all over. One thing to keep dry skin under control is to properly exfoliate. This rejuvenating body scrub has an oil base so you don't need to moisturize after your shower. Make sure you get the salt scrub, not the sugar scrub:




For heavy duty help with your feet, here's a Lush product that works amazingly well, although it's quite strong in the lemon smell department. It's called Lemony Flutter. I would also highly recommend their body butters:




If you need facial care, Lush is amazing.

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A few years back, I was taking Acutane for my acne. The side-effect was extremely chapped lips.


The doctor recommended Aquaphor.


I can't live without it in the wintertime. I haven't found anything better, and I am a woman that isn't afraid to fork over the money for beauty products.


I bought a bottle for $3.00, and I am pretty sure it will last me the rest of my life. :laugh:

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Also be sure you don't leave any toothpaste at all on your lips after you've brushed your teeth. It can be very drying.


On the down side, it could just be a new feature of your particular body. It's said that our bodies change every seven years or so and I can definitely track changes in mine. Biggest one was acquiring allergies but there have been others - some good (bosoms kept growing :) ) others not so. I now have chapped lips often but find that drinking water makes a huge difference to how bad they get.


Of course the outdoor air is drier at this time of year.


WWIU there are lots of lotions formulated specifically for dry feet.

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