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Please Help!!!


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Hi everyone,


Okay this is the story. I used to have a crush on a person...we went to prom together...and I decided to confess to him. Well, he was indirect, he didn't say no, didn't say yes. We continued to be friends. He brought me a charm for graduation present and I continued to hang out with him.


Well, I went on to college, and it turned out that he told people that I was crazy and such. I got upset, but we still continued to talk online and such.


Well, then around March, we had a minor fight online and I ended up telling him how he had made my life miserable. During that conversation, he kept telling me that I need to know that he likes me, but he just doesn't think that we are compatible in that sense.


So we continued to be friends. I happened to meet his brother online. We shared alot in common, like math and science stuff, so we became fast friends. I started hanging out with my crush's brother. Coincidentally, after we have been hanging out for a while, my crush went on a trip to Europe. A few days after my crush was gone, the brother asked me out. I thought I was over my crush and enjoyed the company of the brother alot, so I decided to go out with him.


We had a great time together. But one night, we were talking on the phone as usual. I got tired so before I hang up, I said "I love you..." instead of inserting my bf's name, I said my crush's name. Tom was shocked and I immediately appologized. Tom didn't mind [so he said].


Well, my crush returned from Europe and he was surprise to find that I was going out with his brother. He kept asking what we have done when he was gone. Well, he had returned for a week, my bf and i broke up. my bf wouldn't tell me the cause, he just said that we have different schedules and such...and me, being a workaholic, it didn't help. And soon after the breakup, my crush went off the college. We still keep in touch and stuff...and my relationship with his bro deterioates and we decided not to talk to each other for a while.


So I was upset for a long time. Recently, I got a break from school, so I started analyzing what has happened. I realized that I still cared alot about my crush while I was going out with his brother. But i have to say, i really didn't know I still liked him when I was going out with my ex. But I still feel bad. I don't know I should tell my ex bf the truth...i don't know if that'll do any good.


Can someone tell me what they think. What should I do?





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