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I'm the Third Party

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First of all, I want to start off by saying that I am definitely not proud of what has happened, and that I do not think that I can be excused in any way. All I can say though, is that I just followed my heart, and that right now, I'm in pain. Although I may deserve it, I need some help...


I'm in my third year of university, studying abroad. Having a month left, this guy that I've been friends with (who has a girlfriend of 4 years -- and everyone in the program knew this) and I started getting even closer after dancing at a club with all of our friends (he came up to me). The next day, he would come over to me even though I was trying to be as far from him as possible. So we danced a little and talked a little. My friend later told me that he told her that he's never cheated before, but for some reason, I was different. After that day, we had a couple of movie nights together, and one night, he told me he was going to stay over. Nothing happened and we just cuddled. He came over a few times in the next couple of weeks, and nothing happened.


Then one day, we ended up making out. I asked him about his girlfriend before anything happened, and he said "Yeah, me and my girlfriend have been having problems. She likes me a lot, but I'm not happy with her. I just can't break up with her that easy because I'm practically married to her family." So after that, we started talking even more, and he would constantly bug me about the fact that I don't talk to him much in public (I was scared of being judged by everyone), and how me hugging other guys made him jealous, and so on. Even when he went on weekend trips, he would initiate the text messages, saying he missed me. The other day, we almost had sex. He stopped though. I don't know whether it was because he felt guilty, or because I was shaking and he thought I didn't want to.


He's been approached by many girls on this program, but has rejected all of them. My question is... what am I? Why is it me? And sadly, though I started this relationship knowing that we were going to go back home (our schools are about 8 hours drive apart) and he would be with his girlfriend (who went to the same high school, and now college), I've come to like him a lot. One thing that really confuses me is when I asked him why he was telling people we were hooking up. His answer was, "If we were hooking up, it would be one thing. But we're not of course." I don't know what his definition of hooking up is, or if he was just joking because he's a sarcastic kid, but I don't know... He will be leaving in 6 days... was I just used?

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First of all, I want to start off by saying that I am definitely not proud of what has happened, and that I do not think that I can be excused in any way. All I can say though, is that I just followed my heart, and that right now, I'm in pain. Although I may deserve it, I need some help...


I'm in my third year of university, studying abroad. Having a month left, this guy that I've been friends with (who has a girlfriend of 4 years -- and everyone in the program knew this) and I started getting even closer after dancing at a club with all of our friends (he came up to me). The next day, he would come over to me even though I was trying to be as far from him as possible. So we danced a little and talked a little. My friend later told me that he told her that he's never cheated before, but for some reason, I was different. After that day, we had a couple of movie nights together, and one night, he told me he was going to stay over. Nothing happened and we just cuddled. He came over a few times in the next couple of weeks, and nothing happened.


Then one day, we ended up making out. I asked him about his girlfriend before anything happened, and he said "Yeah, me and my girlfriend have been having problems. She likes me a lot, but I'm not happy with her. I just can't break up with her that easy because I'm practically married to her family." So after that, we started talking even more, and he would constantly bug me about the fact that I don't talk to him much in public (I was scared of being judged by everyone), and how me hugging other guys made him jealous, and so on. Even when he went on weekend trips, he would initiate the text messages, saying he missed me. The other day, we almost had sex. He stopped though. I don't know whether it was because he felt guilty, or because I was shaking and he thought I didn't want to.


He's been approached by many girls on this program, but has rejected all of them. My question is... what am I? Why is it me? And sadly, though I started this relationship knowing that we were going to go back home (our schools are about 8 hours drive apart) and he would be with his girlfriend (who went to the same high school, and now college), I've come to like him a lot. One thing that really confuses me is when I asked him why he was telling people we were hooking up. His answer was, "If we were hooking up, it would be one thing. But we're not of course." I don't know what his definition of hooking up is, or if he was just joking because he's a sarcastic kid, but I don't know... He will be leaving in 6 days... was I just used?



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Rite, he only wants you as his bit on the side. Cut him off and possibly tell his gf, she's the main victim here.

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i know how you feel but if you think of the future what can you see if the guy really likes you no matter how long she was with that girl or how close he was to her family the decision is always with him. People are selfish we always want happiness but if you continue your relationship with that guy with no possibility of future girl dumb him, you will cry at first but in the end you could find someone better,,and maybe laugh about it someday,and don't even think you were used because thats the stupid thing i always hear.You decide to be in that part be responsible about it. i'm wishing you the best!

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