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Gut feeling she likes me

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[girl turns up randomly to sit with me at dinner]


she: "is it ok if i sit in here with you"

He: "yea of course, i like your company"


[starts asking me all personal questions and things about my family and my past n such so we speak loads and hit it off, then eventually it comes to..]


he: "do you remember me much from last year?"

she: "i do abit but not very much"


he: "i had long hair back then, i looked really emo but decided to get my hair cut shorter for a change"

she: "i really like your hair short"


he: "thanks :) how dare you didn't you notice me last year" ;)

she: "haha im sorry"


he: "haha im just messing, i remember you from last year though"

she: "you do?"


he: "your group of 3 was the only one that did that movie in our film class" (4 hour class)

she: "haha yea your right, you remember"


[she suddenly gets text]


she: "my sister just texted me saying she is upset because the guy she likes turned her down"

he: "aww"


she: "i don't believe in love at first sight, i prefer to get to know someone first, i never fall for a guy at first sight, i just wait until ive got to know them better and wait for them to ask me out"

he: "me too, well i suppose i believe in something at first sight"


she: "i wanna go shopping but none my friends will go"


[convo interupted]


[she then starts spending loads of time with me all of a sudden from that day forward asking questions about me and asks my best friend questions about me also, spesh when im not there]

there have been other signs of flirting also since.


does she like me you think? especially if we speak at break times together? i dont even know her that well but she seems like she wants to get to know me all of a sudden. spends more time with me than her own friends. ty

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