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Starbucks Love


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Hi everybody. I decided to go to this Starbucks by my work for the first time. I was immediately really attracted to this girl that works there. Most girls I get attracted to but have no real desire to go out with but this girl I really wanted to go out with. Problem is I recently ended a two year realtionship so I don't really know how to approach her because it's been so long since I approached another woman besides my ex. I'm trying to work on getting my self esteem back so if anyone has good tips to get a conversation started or how I should break the ice it would be appreciated. She did manage to go out of her way to say hi to me while I was waiting for my coffee(How lame I must be). Anyways somebody help me get the ball rolling with this girl.

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burning 4 revenge

I like Starbucks girls, cause they often have the sexy little punky, arty girls working there, but they're too young for me.

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"Hi - how are you doing today?"


And then the next time you go in there, say "Hi - it's good to see you again. My name is Sadcakesleo."


She'll probably introduce herself to you then, so you'll be able to greet her by name. Then one day, compliment her on something while looking into her eyes and smiling.


And then, one day work up enough nerve to ask her out. "Hi, pretty Starbucks girl. What time to you get off work today? Can I take you out for lunch?"


Obviously, you can add more conversation in there, but give her a little while to see you in the store as a customer so she knows you're "a regular" and not some freaky wierdo. And then just ask her.


ETA: Uh, just saw your other thread...you might not want to mention to Starbucks girl that you share an apartment with your (estranged) girlfriend...

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:lmao: Tell her coffee does strange things to you and Can you suck on her toes ?....jk....Just be yourself. Ask for what you want. A date ? A drink ? Movie ? Go for it. Don't take too long though....
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  • 2 weeks later...

And then, one day work up enough nerve to ask her out. "Hi, pretty Starbucks girl. What time to you get off work today? Can I take you out for lunch?"


Obviously, you can add more conversation in there, but give her a little while to see you in the store as a customer so she knows you're "a regular" and not some freaky wierdo. And then just ask her.


I don't know if that would really work, it seems a little far fetched.


I have to admit that I'm in love with at least three or four of the Starbucks girls at my local Starbucks, but it just seems impossible to try to take it to the next level and actually ask one of them out.


I'm definately a regular and they recognize me, and I have chatted and even flirted slightly with most of them a little. Sometimes I think I catch them checking me out and then smiling. But I don't know if that's what's really happening, or if they are just being good employees and trying to be sweet and friendly because it's their job, and not because they think I'm hot and they want me to ask them out. I tend to think it's the latter.


It just seems so lame to ask out a girl working at Starbucks or some restaurant, or any kind of customer service setting. They are at work and trying to treat you as a customer, and probably get hit on all the time by guys and are sick of it.


I don't know, it just seems unlikely to me that one of these girls would really respond positively to being asked out on a date while they're at work. It's just too much of a fake contrived setting rather than a real setting where you can meet and talk without it being an employee customer interaction. Am I just being too pessimistic or what?

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If she is pretty one, she must have been approached by all kind of men.


If you can attract her just by looks, there won't be any problem.


But if you are just like other guys, you gotta show the difference?

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Don't ask her out just yet. Be funny or something. Working out in the public and getting constantly hit on can be very annoying and you would be just another guy asking her out.

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I don't know if that would really work, it seems a little far fetched.


I have to admit that I'm in love with at least three or four of the Starbucks girls at my local Starbucks, but it just seems impossible to try to take it to the next level and actually ask one of them out.


I'm definately a regular and they recognize me, and I have chatted and even flirted slightly with most of them a little. Sometimes I think I catch them checking me out and then smiling. But I don't know if that's what's really happening, or if they are just being good employees and trying to be sweet and friendly because it's their job, and not because they think I'm hot and they want me to ask them out. I tend to think it's the latter.


It just seems so lame to ask out a girl working at Starbucks or some restaurant, or any kind of customer service setting. They are at work and trying to treat you as a customer, and probably get hit on all the time by guys and are sick of it.


I don't know, it just seems unlikely to me that one of these girls would really respond positively to being asked out on a date while they're at work. It's just too much of a fake contrived setting rather than a real setting where you can meet and talk without it being an employee customer interaction. Am I just being too pessimistic or what?


One of my friends married a girl who made his coffee at Starbucks...just sayin'


What do you have to lose by asking her out? So what if she says no? You can still flirt with her and maybe one day she'll change her mind.

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