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is this a normal reaction?

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My bf who i live with is in a band. A while back we had issues with Myspace and we ended up getting rid of our accounts. Well, now his band has a page that they all use.

My bf's ex (of 2 years) is on the friends list and left a comment saying she couldnt wait to see them play and then on her page there is a comment from them saying "come to our show Dec 1st, bring friends."


Now, none of them are friends with her. One of them probably knows her but not all that personally. I said something to my bf about it and he got aggravated with me, saying I have no reason to be upset and they are obviously over.


But it is bothering me. Who sent her that comment...my bf claims he didnt. And why doesnt he understand that it's annoying that she has to be included in all this. I guess i dont know how to word it properly but i just dont like it and it makes me feel very insecure.


A couple months ago he wrote her an email (part of the reason we are not on myspace) and it really upset me. He wrote a couple slightly inappropriate things but for the most part it was just a "how have you been" email.


What are you LS's opinions???

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