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im so jealous of him

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i have been dating my girl friend for two years , and its been pretty good up until this summer ..We went on a brake and i was very upset about it. She was confused and i just wanted to be with her . I insisted that if she doesn't come back to me at that moment i would leave her . That would only make things worse. eventually she smacked it with her best male friend. It upset me but i wasn't too upset about it because we weren't going out and she stated that she still loves me. she also said she didn't regret it and that she wanted to do it again. I was angered by this . finally two weeks after everything had happen we started to go out again.


Things were kind of strange but it seemed as if they would go back to normal. two days after we had gotten back together i went on vacation. I returned a week later to find out that she had cheated on me again but worse. she said that she had had a couple of drinks things went down hill from there with her friend. She said that she loved me and never wanted to leave me again. i was pissed as you can imagine. i asked what he had done she claimed that she blacked out alot and all she remembers that his hand was on her vagina. so i began to get over it . until i was soon to find out that more had happen . he had fingered her and she gave him a hand job in addition to that there were naked .


i was furious and i didn't know what to do but i still forgave here . In addition to that i found out that they had been cuddling together at night but " only as friends she stated" ... she says shes done with all of this crap with her friend and she only wants me. he still says he loves her but she denies him because she says shes in love with me. i have now come across a problem she was very good friends with this kid and she continues to hang out with him . I am so jealous when they hang out ( not alone with other friends and im there most of the time ) my jealousy is now getting the best of me . I 'm not sure what to do and im completly in love with this girl.

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She is clearly using you, keeps lying and cheating on you...if you stay after all that, then it means you're accepting her sleeping with you both.

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She is using you, she is just going to keep sleeping with this guy, heck she has TOLD you she wants to keep sleeping with this guy, and she knows that you don't have the spine to leave her so why should she have to give up two guys that will let her get her way?

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If the roles were reversed do you honestly think she would put up with such crap from you? She is using you big time. Clearly she does not respect you or a value of a committment. If you do not respect yourself then who will?



Why in the world would you want to keep being with a woman who continues to have sex with another man and cuddle with him when you are not present. Clearly you deserve better than this. Open your eyes. Enough is enough!

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Ummm...I never inhaled...


She's playing you and the other guy and getting some strange thrill from it. It's time to get out before your feelings get stronger for her. She's a user.

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