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Girl liking best friend confuses me

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i have a friend who i have known for quite a while now. and from since i have known her i have known her to be a lesbian. i have met her previous and current girlfriends and so on. but recently she was in a rumbly relationship and was always asking me about what she should do and stuff. (being male i have no idea how a female to female relationship would work any way). i always comforted her and told her what i think.


we hang out alot and go places together and stuff but never as a romantic thing. we spent WHOLE days together either for a legit reason or just to bull **** around and we have been through alot in our friendship. i have even made her cry before, kinda meanfully but it had to be done (another whole diffrent story) and our friendship stayed firm even through that.


but now that she broke up with current girlfriend (but is still living with) she has been saying this line to me "I hope you dont like me" whenever we hang out. and she now starts refering to herself as "bi" instead of "lez" like she always used to say before whenever shes talking to me. she calls me "hun" and "babes" now and questioned me about one of my internet signin names in an "aggresive" manner and almost flipped at a used condom wrapper that she found in my personal space one time.


today she was supposed to spend most of her day with me but i kinda blew her off because i am getting confused by her. i like her as a friend and would possibly start a relationship with her if SHE wanted to and she would have to be the one to tell me because i would rather her as my really good friend then i try some bull**** and she then is nothing to me any more at all. plus i dont be the one because she is a lezzie ( but now tells me she is BI). but thats all besides the point. i actually would just like to know whats going on in her mind.


any suggestions, advice or sumthing i should say or ask her?

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I think your intuition on this seems sound, though it would of been better not to blow her off. At least give your good friend that much respect. Since she is coming out of a rocky friendship it is likely that she is confused as to if the way she is leading her life is right. She may be considering a "switch in teams" but I doubt that is what she truly wants. If you value her as a friend then support her through her hard times but also make clear that that is exactly what she is, a valued friend.

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