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I was reading this thread (cute!) but had nothing to say until the bob cat thing came up! I have never known anyone to have had a bob cat but my family! Even when I tell people about it they are like, "sure, yeah, right..."

When I was in HS I wanted a kitten for my BD so my parents let me drive the car to the animal shelter and get one.

I got a big fat one that made a lot of noise. My dad said "take that thing back--he is NOT a kitten. Look at it, it has a beard and hair growing out its ears--that's a GD bobcat!" (he seemed to be maybe a domestic/bob cat mix).

My Mom and I said we would take him back the next day but we never did. For about seven years he screamed and growled waking us all, shred curtains, dug up the house plants, pooped in the bath tub, pulled off pillow cases and slept in them, knew how to "open" my dad's recliner and refuse to move when my dad wanted to get in it, (dad would throw him out and then lay down and the cat would get in lay on my Dad--they BOTH snored) and "ran away" for weeks or months, got bitten by a snake TWICE and is still seen snoozing on the top of the piano in my home wedding pictures despite fifty guests.

He had HUGE feet and would bat your entire face just for fun (no claws--he was really sweet). He moaned a lot, LOUDLY, I think when he wanted some female action. He was very large and beefy and very strong. We would often see him stalking up on our roof!

He finally left one day and never came back. Dad found him later out in the woods by a stream and came home crying about it.

Such a beautiful creature...

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I laughed my ass off reading that. These cats are so, so sweet. They haven't even noticed the Christmas tree yet. Can you believe that?


As I am sitting here, they are lying on either side of my daughter's puppy. What a sight! They have the meanest looking faces, but they have the sweetest disposition.


Yep, they have the short ears, hair growing out of them, long, long eye and mouth whiskers and huge paws. One has short hair and the other has a thick long coat. And their eyes: orangish brown. The weirdest color...


They SERIOUSLY hate water, though. I tried giving them a bath a few days ago and they literally ripped my forearm. Had to start antibiotics to prevent an infection. Man, they got wild then! But other than that, they sleep with us, lay around us, and purr like crazy. They even go to the door with our puppy when someone comes over.


Crazy. But I love them.

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These kittens have been domesticated since birth and they are awesome. They love being around people yet they have the bobcat look. They are beautiful kitties.


My kids and their friends love them. They are a wonderful addition to the family. :)


Awwww!!! I want to see pictures!


My dad moved out to the country last winter and the day I lost power, I called him to talk to him about it. Before I could even get a word in, he was all excited like a 5-year-old "I just saw my first bobcat this morning! It's so beautiful out here, the water fall is frozen over, icicles everywhere, red foxes hunting, blah, blah, blah.


I was like, yeah? I don't have power. Haven't since last night. Glad you're enjoying Winter Wonderland out there, DAD....

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Easy peasy. Do you have the picture saved on your hard drive?


When you go to "Change your avatar" (in Edit Profile), toward the bottom you'll see a space for a link with a "browse" button next to it. When you click it, it should take you to your C drive. If not, keep clicking up until you're there. Eventually, you'll see the folder where you saved the picture. Once there, double-click on the picture and it will take you back to the LS page. Go to the bottom and click "save changes"

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I will put the male kitten as my avatar but I don't know how....


Can someone tell me how?!


AWWW...THERE he is!! So cute!! What's his name?


Little booger....

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His name is Reagan and his sister is Riley. (The kids named them...)


So adorable! I just wanna nuzzle him. I'm minus a cuddler, if you can't tell. The cat I have now, though I love him, is not at all a snuggler/cuddler. He's all boy, all play, all the time. I love him in his own way (just not at 3 a.m. when he's digging his claws into my feet...).


But still.


I just want to pick Reagan up and cuddle his little sideburns!

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OMG, that cat is adorable. I can't have cats cuz the last kitten i tried to bring home almost became a snack for my dog. No Kitties for me.


Can anyone tell me what happened on that thread LNF started this morning? I missed it!!!

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I can just pick up either one of these kittens and hold them and they just lay in my arms. Honestly, they love being around people.


BTW, the momma cat was a domestic that bred with a bobcat. The male (in picture) and the female were the only two in the litter. And I got them both. They couldn't be separated because they literally do EVERYTHING together. Where one is, the other is.


Yeah, these cats are lovable.


My daughter has a cat in her apartment and he hates being held. She loves coming over to hold these cats. Funny thing, though. Her boyfriend is terrified of them. Can you believe it?


Scared of THAT kitten?


Give me a break!

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OMG, that cat is adorable. I can't have cats cuz the last kitten i tried to bring home almost became a snack for my dog. No Kitties for me.


Can anyone tell me what happened on that thread LNF started this morning? I missed it!!!


I only got to read the first page.....bummer.


I heard it was a doozy thread....

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She started to tell me about it and then she had to go to work. She said that people were up in arms. Damn, i wish i could go on the internet while at work!!

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Sorry BH, but i'll probably get this thread deleted too just for asking that question.


I have a few on ignore, so i won't see if they post..........won't hurt my feelings any.

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I can just pick up either one of these kittens and hold them and they just lay in my arms. Honestly, they love being around people.


BTW, the momma cat was a domestic that bred with a bobcat. The male (in picture) and the female were the only two in the litter. And I got them both. They couldn't be separated because they literally do EVERYTHING together. Where one is, the other is.


Yeah, these cats are lovable.


My daughter has a cat in her apartment and he hates being held. She loves coming over to hold these cats. Funny thing, though. Her boyfriend is terrified of them. Can you believe it?


Scared of THAT kitten?


Give me a break!


Cha...she needs to kick him to the curb then! (lol - just kidding)


I have friends afraid of cats, too. I had a boss that used to say "but they're so sneaky..." I'd say, sneaky? What do you mean? Are you afraid they're gonna sneak up behind you and steal your wallet, or what?!


Then, he had a cat show up at his house and befriend his son. This same son ended up going to China for part of his schooling. Don't you know that cat would only show up when that one particular son happened to be back from China? This happened more than once. Enough for Mr. Skeptical/Sneaky boss to comment in amazement on it.


It's pretty rare for a domestic to mate with a bobcat, isn't it? And oh, I'd love to have a pair of kitties. Kitties that cuddle, sleep, play together. Anytime I've had more than one cat, someone hated the other and it was very stressful.

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What a purty little man! He does look a lot like ours but he was silver with snow white feet. His eyes were very very yellow--almost see through.

He could be mean as well because he would actually fight rattle snakes, eeeew! He would not stay in the house and eventually we gave up and just let him do as he pleased.

He was very proud and often brought us little "presents" as in dead things to share w/ us.

I hope people aren't purposely breeding those? However, aren't they just the best little accidents, ever? I would love to have another but my Rott would have a fit!

I am so happy for you! Thanks for the pic--it really gave me a big smile!!!

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Yeah, it is pretty rare. One would think that the bobcat would eat the domestic, but apparently his sexual appetite was stronger than his tummy's appetite!


Out here (in the southwest), a few people breed bobcats with domestics and command a fair amount of money for the kittens. First, because, obviously, they are rare, and second, because the bobcat litter usually only produces two or three kittens. The two I have were the only two in the litter.


The domestic mommy cat was let outside and accidentally bred. It wasn't planned. But my daughter's teacher (the owner of the mommy cat) said that the moment they were born that she knew they were half bob based on the size of the litter, their head and paw size, and their stubby ears.


And, best of all, she gave them to me free. :)

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Yeah, it is pretty rare. One would think that the bobcat would eat the domestic, but apparently his sexual appetite was stronger than his tummy's appetite!


Out here (in the southwest), a few people breed bobcats with domestics and command a fair amount of money for the kittens. First, because, obviously, they are rare, and second, because the bobcat litter usually only produces two or three kittens. The two I have were the only two in the litter.


The domestic mommy cat was let outside and accidentally bred. It wasn't planned. But my daughter's teacher (the owner of the mommy cat) said that the moment they were born that she knew they were half bob based on the size of the litter, their head and paw size, and their stubby ears.


And, best of all, she gave them to me free. :)


I know I've never seen such an unusual-shaped head on a kitten.


Aww, bless.


And, as I wrote this, Scooter (terror kitty) did one of the things that I just love...he bounds up the back of the chair, up my back, puts one paw on my left shoulder, the other on my right, and puts his head around my neck and over my right shoulder. It's the cutest damn thing. Like, "watcha doin', mama?"

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Love the name Scooter!


Gotta love the cats! Who needs men? (Except for you, Bonehead... :))


That's 'Scooter Pooter Punkin Pie' to you! :lmao::p


(kiss the girls and make them cry....)


Yeah, I'm a retard. Just a glimpse into my mornings before I leave for work.

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Cute kitten.


Wait til they find the TREE!!!!!!!!!


When I was young my mom always put asprin in the water for the christmas tree. Guess my nephew one day decided that if one was good then the whole bottle would be better.


Our cat drank the water and was never the same after. Sound asleep this cat would jump 3 feet in the air, hiss like a spitting cobra, land on the floor then spin in circles just to lay back down again.

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