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Are we allowed to Laugh?

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at my joke..


Must be losing my touch





Well I just got to the end of the thread and I think it was the only laugh in it :rolleyes::bunny:

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I am going to laugh any time I please and I don't care what anyone has to say about it!

Laughter is healing and there is direct evidence of such as it increases oxygen to the body and influences positive body chemistry as opposed to depression which negatively affects body chemistry.

Which one should you choose? Seems an easy decision about that one!

Humility is another aspect of sharing laughter--laughing about one's self is also healing. I am often quite ireverant because I am HUMAN and I enjoy my humanity--I respect and honor that I was created, thus, I respect others as they were created...

Remember the saying "someday we'll all look back on this and laugh?"

Even at funerals persons are allowed to laugh when funny things about the deceased are remembered.

Laughing and crying have some of the same emotional elements: both are great release mechanisms. Is it any wonder why we sometimes do both at the same time?

Laughing can also be an aspect of "grace under pressure" as we can see from Lasan's posts she is a wonderful example for this term.

NF and some others are at the beginning, I and some others am somewhere in the middle and Lasan and some others seem to be somewhere near the end. It's a spectrum and no one is perfect!

Though I repsect other's pain I do not have to respect their means of expression--but self-expression also varies and is a learning process.

This thread has brought about some wonderful posts and that is what matters.

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