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"How Feminism Destroyed Real Men"

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Yea, well you know what?? It is because of men and the technical advances they made that women can now try to claim equality. Almost everything around us was made by men: computers, cars, buildings, a/c, appliances, textiles, airplanes, baby formula, disposable diapers, frozen foods, etc.... the list is endless and men made 95% of this stuff.


Now women want equality after men have made their lives easier and enabled them to work at jobs they couldn't do 50 yrs ago. For example, the invention of the automatic transmission & electric starter enabled women to start driving cars cause they did not have the strength to operate the manual versions.


Now we see women in the military driving air conditioned M1A1 tanks. I didn't see any women in 1915 clamoring to get into the army so they could fight in trenches with mustard gas all around.


Alpha who gave birth to you, a woman.... without us where would you be?


Women have creative genius as well.


As far as advances, men love comfort so who are you kidding, there are many women who contrubute to this world in a good way.

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Alpha who gave birth to you, a woman.... without us where would you be? .

well thats my point PRICILLA...women should be having kids and taking care of domestic stuff instead of competing with men and taking our jobs away. Western society is going down the tubes because of this.


And my mom has nothing to do with this discussion.

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I think all this mopdern female liberation crap ios what is wrong with society. Women belong in the kitchen and the bedroom.


LOL, what was that again, oops I almost spilled my coffee on the screen!!!!!:laugh: Make those statements at the beginning of dating and I guaranteed you'll get dumped in seconds, not even close to even develop a friendship, LOL, can't help it, gonna laugh some more.



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well thats my point PRICILLA...women should be having kids and taking care of domestic stuff instead of competing with men and taking our jobs away. Western society is going down the tubes because of this.


And my mom has nothing to do with this discussion.


How about if I have no desire for kids whatsoever. Told b/f about it, he's ok with so what will that make me then???



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:laugh: Make those statements at the beginning of dating and I guaranteed you'll get dumped in seconds,

it depends on what else he has to offer. i've made similar comments and each woman responds differently. some may agree some may not, either way the man won't come off as "nice guy" and she'll respect that he has the balls to say what he believes.


How about if I have no desire for kids whatsoever.

Do whatever you want. I see nothing wrong with a small minority of women being non-traditional. I just want the majority of women to be more traditional.

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well thats my point PRICILLA...women should be having kids and taking care of domestic stuff instead of competing with men and taking our jobs away. Western society is going down the tubes because of this.


And my mom has nothing to do with this discussion.



yeah yeah yeah, not everyone is cut out for child bearing or parenting, so you can not say that all women should be having kids and taking care of domestic stuff.


If a woman has something to contribute to this world and is up for the challenge then so be it...


there is enough to go around.


If you had a daughter and she had dreams and aspirations then you would encourage her right?

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LOL, this time I spilled my coffee that was left right on my whole screen. I figure why did mad at a bunch of phonies. Alphamale, Superconductor and amerikajin, you guys are the bomb, you sure rock. Hopefully that attitude will get you to be millionaires pretty soon (laughs so hard). LOL, I like making fun of fakes!!!!!!!

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women bring a different outlook to the workforce...

and to life...


men need women and women need men...


again alpha, if you had a daughter and she had dreams and aspirations would you encourage her to follow her dreams or would you convince her to marry and have a few kids?

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men need women and women need men...

I never said they didnt....actually we're totaly dependent upon each other.


again alpha, if you had a daughter and she had dreams and aspirations would you encourage her to follow her dreams or would you convince her to marry and have a few kids?

well if there were any good well-paying jobs left for her husband (after the women have taken them all) then I would encourage her to stay at home and do the tratitional role. That would be my choice. But if she wanted to stay single and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon I would have no control over that.

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I never said they didnt....actually we're totaly dependent upon each other.



well if there were any good well-paying jobs left for her husband (after the women have taken them all) then I would encourage her to stay at home and do the tratitional role. That would be my choice. But if she wanted to stay single and become a cardio-thoracic surgeon I would have no control over that.



come on and there is nothing inbetween?

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LOL, what was that again, oops I almost spilled my coffee on the screen!!!!!:laugh: Make those statements at the beginning of dating and I guaranteed you'll get dumped in seconds, not even close to even develop a friendship, LOL, can't help it, gonna laugh some more.




You do realize I was pretty much hammered when I wrote that post, right? Long night out last night...don't remember much. Somehow I staggered home.

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You do realize I was pretty much hammered when I wrote that post, right? Long night out last night...don't remember much. Somehow I staggered home.


So are you trying to justify what you wrote by blaming it on the alcohol?:confused: Thats sounds a little too familiar.

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So are you trying to justify what you wrote by blaming it on the alcohol?:confused: Thats sounds a little too familiar.


At least HE has an excuse!;)

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It is because of men and the technical advances they made that women can now try to claim equality. Almost everything around us was made by men: computers, cars, buildings, a/c, appliances, textiles, airplanes, baby formula, disposable diapers, frozen foods, etc.... the list is endless and men made 95% of this stuff.


And a large percentage of men would be dead if not for Madame Curie...

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And a large percentage of men would be dead if not for Madame Curie...


Was she the one who cured syphilis?

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Sure alcohol can make you lose your inhibitions. However, your actions or thoughts were already there way before the booze, just that the liquor made you act more on it. Wow I can imagine how we all would get away with if we were to say "Oh but I was drunk", LOL, we all would be probably getting away with even murder (ex: killing someone while drunk driving). Either way, alcohol or no alcohol you're still responsible for whatever choice you make. I'm not buying it.

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sometimes physical violence can be justified....a man being put into jail for beating the snot out of his woman is a very recent occurrence.


men = violence, agression, war, conflict. these are all masculine traits.


Oh yes forgot to mention it. LOL, say you have a daughter and saw it with your own eyes her man beating her and treating her like garbage, would you accept that and be ok with it?? You say it yourself that physical force was sometimes acceptable.



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I am down with gender equality but at the end of the day, women want men to be men, and men want women to be women. I can't explain it, but I generally agree with the article.

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I am down with gender equality but at the end of the day, women want men to be men, and men want women to be women. I can't explain it, but I generally agree with the article.


I know what you mean and I agree.

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I agree. I think it goes without saying. Most of the rest of the discussion on this thread didn't need to be said either.


If you're a man, and you have to think about how to be a man, then you might as well just give it up.

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I am down with gender equality but at the end of the day, women want men to be men, and men want women to be women. I can't explain it, but I generally agree with the article.

While I agree with the sentiment that each wants the other to be who they are, the articles do not encapsulate either.

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