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"How Feminism Destroyed Real Men"

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I don't want to be held accountable for what some other man did. All men are not sexist pigs and I wish women would stop acting like we were.

I want fathers to be given equal value in family and in family court


I want male victims of abuse to be taken seriously.


I want female cheaters to be looked down on just like men are


Thanx and I want to go back 3 years ago (and a bit more) when I was still a teenager at 18, way before I met my now ex g/f. Sadly I can't never get back those 3 years of my life. And yet even after I broke up and left for good without turning back I still had sympathy for her (somehow for a long time I thought everything I did or say was all my fault) that I almost went back to her.





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Now this may sound stupid but at times I still have feelings for her, somehow I still can't really get over her.


Sorry for your pain, dude..but what's that got to do with the subject at hand?

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It was a reply to a poster and just before I was about to post that, I accidently sent my reply, so I was basically adding what was missing on my previous reply.

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i am flattered that i am the center of attention from everyone.


Yeah, I guess I see what you're saying. I mean after all, negative attention is better than none at all, right?

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Alphamale seems you might be suffering from superiority complex, which does not differentiate from inferiority complex, both of them deal with insecurity issues. In the end you're only merely trying to compensate for what you don't have, thus feeling inferior within.

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Yeah, I guess I see what you're saying. I mean after all, negative attention is better than none at all, right?


I don't know. Generally speaking, I would rather not get the attention than to be hated by so many. Maybe thats just me.

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Many men grow up with no father figure today and the balem for that can be placed squarely on feminism.


Oh really?


Please explain how. Because pretty much every single mom I ever knew got deserted by a rat bastard jerk who pretended to be dependable but cut and ran when life got tougher - like when kids came along. Oh yeah, those pillars of maleness really stood up to their responsibilities.


People who blame everyone but themselves for their problems are pathetic.

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I do think that any abuser should be locked up and separated from the rest of society, where they will either rot away or make an attempt to better themselves, whichever choice they prefer.


So are you saying they should forever be isolated not have a chance to correct their mistakes and never have any contact from anyone. I could understand if you're referring to those that don't feel any remorse at all, but what about for those that do. To say that "abuser can't never change" is like saying you can't never recover from alcohol addict. You can when there's motivation, as for relationships, you can change if there's enough love. Love can sometimes do crazy stuff.


Thing is you got to understand there's a difference between a "real time beater" who careless about their actions and "special circumstances". In the first case they were always like that from the start of their relationship. However, in the later situation, it was a normal and stable relationship that got out of hand due to stressors, in which your neither your childhood nor your upbringings had anything to do with it. It's in that current moment (yes sometimes depression does take a toll on you) where you were facing many problems at once and couldn't take it so you start panicking. But you as you were very frustrated and trying to solve your own demons (meanings stressors) you didn't realize at that moment it was your love you were taking it on.


So how about if you were never like that, it's just in that current short time moment. And well see, by the time you realize you had just target at your partner and see what you have caused in them, you are then full of guilt and you're like "Oh darn, what have I done, noo". But as more stresses built up, you then forget again about the guilt and then it starts all over again.


Now I'm not trying to justify abuse, I know there is/was no excuse for it. I was basically explaining what it feels like in that moment (notice this only applies to those who are guilty about it and know it's wrong). It's a case by case, not all who lash out are those "classical abusers".

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Secret Agent Man
Oh really?


Please explain how. Because pretty much every single mom I ever knew got deserted by a rat bastard jerk who pretended to be dependable but cut and ran when life got tougher - like when kids came along. Oh yeah, those pillars of maleness really stood up to their responsibilities.


People who blame everyone but themselves for their problems are pathetic.



So I guess for every single dad we could use the same sentence, except changing the word bastard and maleness to their female counterparts??? Or what if the wife cheats and then they get a divorce and the courts give the kids to the mom, is the dad still a rat bastard jerk??? The hatred in some people.

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So I guess for every single dad we could use the same sentence, except changing the word bastard and maleness to their female counterparts??? Or what if the wife cheats and then they get a divorce and the courts give the kids to the mom, is the dad still a rat bastard jerk??? The hatred in some people.


As a woman, I gotta agree with you. You're right on. Absolutely right.

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So I guess for every single dad we could use the same sentence, except changing the word bastard and maleness to their female counterparts??? Or what if the wife cheats and then they get a divorce and the courts give the kids to the mom, is the dad still a rat bastard jerk??? The hatred in some people.


I think when children become a part of the equation it gets a lot more complicated than that.


In a way I think that when a woman has a child she is in a vulnerble position. She is the one that has to deal with being pregnant for 9 months, she has to give birth, she is the one that will be stuck with the child and all the responsibility if things with the father don't work out. Yes, I'm aware of child support laws and all that but I think having a kid has more of a pay off for the father. Say a woman becomes pregnant by her bf, a few months in to the pregnancy things don't work out. He can leave, go out, move on, while she is stuck at home and pregnant. When the kid comes he'll pay child support and take the kid out on the weekend, but she's the one dealing with all the negatives of having a kid.


I realise that this is sort of an off topic rant, and I don't even know if I feel that it's wrong but that's how things are.


Then again there are women who pop kids out left and right with who knows who and milk men for money when the kid isn't even theirs. I think it's a tough one, all I know is, I'm avoiding the entire mess.

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sometimes physical violence can be justified....a man being put into jail for beating the snot out of his woman is a very recent occurrence.


men = violence, agression, war, conflict. these are all masculine traits.


That is bull!! No form of physical violence can be justified. Beating up a woman does not make you a "real man" it makes you pathetic. But then again who am I talking to?

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Anyone who believes that it is acceptable to abuse someone of the opposite sex is lower than scum and shouldn't be allowed to interact with anyone of the opposite sex.


Just my 2 cents.


Have I told you lately that I love you?? rofl

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Speaking of debates about children, I wonder what if an unplanned pregnancy comes along the way and the woman doens't want to keep the baby, in fact wants to abort it while the man wants to keep the child. So if girl doens't want the child but the man really wants it, does she still get to abort it since it's her body or would the man contact a lawyer?



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Oh really?


Please explain how. Because pretty much every single mom I ever knew got deserted by a rat bastard jerk who pretended to be dependable but cut and ran when life got tougher - like when kids came along. Oh yeah, those pillars of maleness really stood up to their responsibilities.


People who blame everyone but themselves for their problems are pathetic.


Fatherlessness is touted by feminists as a great way to give the finger to the patriarchy. Feminists are so sick that they will even use children as weapons in their war against the male gender.

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i don't know really. maybe i'm to young to know the history of feminism but I know that i'm scared of girls. the good looking ones seem to have confidence and power. i dont' know how to talk with them.

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Speaking of debates about children, I wonder what if an unplanned pregnancy comes along the way and the woman doens't want to keep the baby, in fact wants to abort it while the man wants to keep the child. So if girl doens't want the child but the man really wants it, does she still get to abort it since it's her body or would the man contact a lawyer?


I would imagine that if she were over the age of 18, then the decision would be up to her and her only.

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Fatherlessness is touted by feminists as a great way to give the finger to the patriarchy. Feminists are so sick that they will even use children as weapons in their war against the male gender.


Ask your therapist about projection, Woggle. Meantime, here's a definition from Wikipedia:


A psychological defense mechanism whereby one "projects" one's own undesirable thoughts, motivations, desires, feelings — basically parts of oneself — onto someone else...The principle of projection is well-established in psychology.
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I would imagine that if she were over the age of 18, then the decision would be up to her and her only.

so basically the man has no rights to become a father or not and no rights wheter he must pay child support or not... thats an inequity in my book. I thought we were all supposed to be "equal"

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Ask your therapist about projection, Woggle


I think it's more a matter of conditoned aversion. If your mommy (a woman) is mean to you, your brain equates 'woman' with 'bad'. Kind of the way if you get deathly sick from too much tequila you hate tequila thence onwards.

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so basically the man has no rights to become a father or not and no rights wheter he must pay child support or not... thats an inequity in my book. I thought we were all supposed to be "equal"


So you think that guys should just be able to 'play around' and not deal with the consequences? Like the Dire Straits song... "money for nuthin'", right? :rolleyes:


If you're so worried about knocking up a girl and having to pay child support then you should explore the option of either getting a vasectomy or keeping it zipped up.

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