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"How Feminism Destroyed Real Men"

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This is where you've completely lost me. How can you blame a guys lack of drive to feminism? Analogy: Since my friend Joe is so good at football, I won't do anything because I can't compete.


Many men grow up with no father figure today and the balem for that can be placed squarely on feminism. In the black community 70% of babies are born to fatherless families and we see the effect that has on the communities but to feminists this is progress.


Plus many teachers flat out hate boys and try to sabotage them at every turn. I know people who have gone through this with their sons and I told them they should sue the school system for every penny they have.


Also 35 years of contant male bashing have taken a psychological toll on men. The whole metrosexual thing is men trying to deny our masculine nature because we have been taught from birth to hate it.

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Many men grow up with no father figure today and the balem for that can be placed squarely on feminism. In the black community 70% of babies are born to fatherless families and we see the effect that has on the communities but to feminists this is progress.


Plus many teachers flat out hate boys and try to sabotage them at every turn. I know people who have gone through this with their sons and I told them they should sue the school system for every penny they have.


Also 35 years of contant male bashing have taken a psychological toll on men. The whole metrosexual thing is men trying to deny our masculine nature because we have been taught from birth to hate it.

What you're describing are more cultural/educational differences versus detrimental acts caused by feminism. Feminists would encourage these women to abort and take control of their bodies.

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I don't think it's very manly to blame others for your own problems. Metrosexual men choose that for themselves. If you consider that bad and want to find someone to blame for it, then blame them.


If you personally want to be a man, then be a man. That's how a man would do it. If you want to be a wuss, then blame women for your problems. That's how a wuss would do it. If you think metrosexuality is a feminine trait, then take your claim to the professional football players who are so vain about their appearance. Tell them they act like ladies.


I'm a man, and I know it. I don't blame women for anything that has gone wrong in my life. It's my responsibility to take control of my destiny. It wasn't woman's responsibility to grant it to me. If no woman ends up ever being attracted to me or staying with me, that's fine. That is the story of humanity for all time. It is not the story of modern man.

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Funny but I was on the teaching track in college and I remember being told about some studies that show that teachers respond and call on BOYS more often than they do the (generally) quieter and usually less assertive, girls.


I remember when I was doing my student teaching being aware of this because I found that I WAS indeed paying more attention and calling on the boys more often. I had to make a conscious effort to seek out the girls.


So Wog, I'd say that example you pointed out might just not be the norm.

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Funny but I was on the teaching track in college and I remember being told about some studies that show that teachers respond and call on BOYS more often than they do the (generally) quieter and usually less assertive, girls.


I remember when I was doing my student teaching being aware of this because I found that I WAS indeed paying more attention and calling on the boys more often. I had to make a conscious effort to seek out the girls.


So Wog, I'd say that example you pointed out might just not be the norm.

Don't most boys learn kinescetically with this pattern of direct attention helping?

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I'm a man, and I know it. I don't blame women for anything that has gone wrong in my life. It's my responsibility to take control of my destiny. It wasn't woman's responsibility to grant it to me. If no woman ends up ever being attracted to me or staying with me, that's fine. That is the story of humanity for all time. It is not the story of modern man.


Good post Johan.


Notice its pretty much all women bashers that do blame women for their problems. They just need to fess up to their responsibilities instead of blaming it on others. That is so immature and childlike.

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Don't most boys learn kinescetically with this pattern of direct attention helping?


Trial, sorry but I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean kinesthetically? It's been awhile now since I've been in school so I don't remember that much about all of that. If mean "kinesthetically" I believe that had to do with movement..learning through movement I believe. Is that what you mean? Not sure what that has to do with "direct attention helping."


Sorry I couldn't answer your question.

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Trial, sorry but I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean kinesthetically? It's been awhile now since I've been in school so I don't remember that much about all of that. If mean "kinesthetically" I believe that had to do with movement..learning through movement I believe. Is that what you mean? Not sure what that has to do with "direct attention helping."


Sorry I couldn't answer your question.

Yes, that's it.


Kinesthetic learning is about hands on learning. More of a direct approach to learning so that's why I put the two together. Don't know if there's any correlation though.

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If you think metrosexuality is a feminine trait, then take your claim to the professional football players who are so vain about their appearance. Tell them they act like ladies.


I'm picturing Woggle standing in a changing room pointing his finger sternly at David Beckham http://www.idrottsforum.org/articles/dahlen/sarong.jpg


"No offence, David, but you're acting like a lady and it's all the fault of the anorexifeminazi you married. Get out of that sarong at once, ditch the highlights and stop throwing parties for Elton John and his boyfriend."


I'm a man, and I know it. I don't blame women for anything that has gone wrong in my life. It's my responsibility to take control of my destiny. It wasn't woman's responsibility to grant it to me. If no woman ends up ever being attracted to me or staying with me, that's fine.


If you get stuck, I'll marry you Johan.

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Yes, that's it.


Kinesthetic learning is about hands on learning. More of a direct approach to learning so that's why I put the two together. Don't know if there's any correlation though.


Ok, if I'm understanding what you're saying, you mean boys learn better when they are more actively engaged? I think there's something to that but what we're talking about here I don't think has to do with kinesthetic learning.


I think I'm confusing myself at this point!:laugh:

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Ok, if I'm understanding what you're saying, you mean boys learn better when they are more actively engaged? I think there's something to that but what we're talking about here I don't think has to do with kinesthetic learning.


I think I'm confusing myself at this point!:laugh:

Ugh, meow...

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In a way I do agree with the people saying stop blaming women. Men have ourselvs to blame because we went along with it. Women threw out the bait but we fell for it hook line and sinker. We should refused to go along with it when it first started and told women that we were men and proud to be men so they can take it or leave it. We are the ones that choose to bend over backwards for women that treat us like dirt and the solution rests with us.

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. Of course some women don't mind a house husband but deep down they lose respect for them.

so true...i see women in the workplace with house-husbands at home taking care of the kids full time and these women bad-mouth their husbands all day long...


Men's careers/professions used to be predominantly in the trades, and those jobs don't require large amounts of drive or motivation. It's good if you have it, but you don't need it.
i disagree, what about all the male doctors, engineers and scientists we've had over the past 100+ years??


Today, our entire economy is different. Construction and manual labor jobs are performed more and more by immigrants. And American-born men are moving more and more into service sector, white collar jobs.

ha ha ha, i see many immigrants in the highest positions and jobs also. try finding a white american male professor who teaches college level calculus or science.


Things are different now. But it isn't because women took anything away from us. It's because things are different now. Everything has changed. If you resent that, make sure you put the blame in the right place.

yes the blame is squarely on men for giving up their ground to women.


Also 35 years of contant male bashing have taken a psychological toll on men. The whole metrosexual thing is men trying to deny our masculine nature because we have been taught from birth to hate it.

I blame it more on mothers who raised their boys to be "nice guys" who suppress their masculinity.


I'm a man, and I know it. .

ha ha haaaah

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yes the blame is squarely on men for giving up their ground to women.


I blame it on the majority for realizing that women are people to and that they should have equal rights. Anyone who disagrees with that are intimidated by a woman who doesn't have to rely on a man.

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ha ha ha, i see many immigrants in the highest positions and jobs also. try finding a white american male professor who teaches college level calculus or science.



Okay, I know I said I'm done with this thread, and I'm still not going to bother offering any more opinions, but I thought I'd meet alpha's "challenge"



Chosen from the school from the Big 10 closest to Alpha:


Peter Miller


Patrick Nelson


Jeffrey Rauch


Dennis Bernstein


James Driscoll


Kenneth Powell


Matt Castanier


Okay, I'm bored, but you get the idea.

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i disagree, what about all the male doctors, engineers and scientists we've had over the past 100+ years??


Were those the majority of careers that men had to choose from? You're not a good debater.


ha ha ha, i see many immigrants in the highest positions and jobs also. try finding a white american male professor who teaches college level calculus or science.


I could find one first thing in the morning. So what problems are the immigrants causing for you? How many different groups do you hate? Last I heard you were proud of your job and happy to have it.


yes the blame is squarely on men for giving up their ground to women.


What problems are you having in your life due to this? The only problem you have is that you hate women. And you're the one to blame for that.


I blame it more on mothers who raised their boys to be "nice guys" who suppress their masculinity.


Your masculinity is intact, according to you. So what's the problem, Alpha? You've chosen your life. The good and the bad. If you didn't then you're not much of a man. Right?


ha ha haaaah


You're an amazing person, Alpha.

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ha ha ha, why is everyone ganging up on alpha?


It's fun and there's nothing on tv.


Carry on...I'm back with the popcorn.

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ha ha ha, why is everyone ganging up on alpha?


You're the Alphamale with the crazy ideas. This is what happens in every pack.


Especially when the Alphamale shows weakness and age.


Your days are numbered, buddy.

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You're the Alphamale with the crazy ideas. This is what happens in every pack.


Especially when the Alphamale shows weakness and age.


Your days are numbered, buddy.


Early in the season the alpha males may spread apart easily but as the season progresses there is rarely enough room on the beach for all the mature males and fighting takes place to establish the strongest alpha males as the "beachmasters" (harem masters).


Wait...does that apply to seals or to senior male LS members? Hmmmm...

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Elephant seal males (or senior LS male members) fight with threats, vocalizations, and lunging to establish their territory. A threat is when a male raises up on his front flippers. This is followed by vocalizing into the proboscis. Subordinate males will immediately lie down and thus a hierarchy is established. If two alpha males are in the same area and do not move apart with the vocalized threats then they will physically fight by lunging at each other, using their cornified chests as a protective shield. This may result in blood-shed but rarely results in any real physical damage. Eventually one animal will give up, lie down and move away from the "winner's" territory.

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Early in the season the alpha males may spread apart easily but as the season progresses there is rarely enough room on the beach for all the mature males and fighting takes place to establish the strongest alpha males as the "beachmasters" (harem masters).


Wait...does that apply to seals or to senior male LS members? Hmmmm...


It must be about seals. Because up above it says "mature males".

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