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how can i say this

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I've been happily married for 3 years i'm 23 and yes i commit in such a young age, and my nightmare is coming i started regretting i married early.

Actually, my husband is nice, attentive and works very hard, he took care for me and our daughter(2y/o) pretty well, his nice and friendly.

I started working to help him out financially only to find out i starting to like my boss, who is just currently just married and have a baby today.


I hate this feeling and i believe I'm having emotional infidelity so i told my husband how i feel towards my boss. He didn't get mad and advice me a lot but even with these past days i think I'm going insane i try to fight what i feel about my boss and he didn't know i like him and i would want to remain that way my boss and i are very close it just started with a little conversation and then it become bigger he started to care for me as i do too, we talk about my daughter and he listens so well I've been working with him for a year now. i don't want to quit my job. I love my job so much not because his there.

can somebody help me what should i do?

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I think you should ask yourself what you stand to gain or lose if you continue to thing about your boss? Maybe its just a small fling or crush feeling you may have? You feel in love with your husband once and felt the same way about him before right?


Either END it with your husband and stop lying to yourself and you husband or END it with your BOSS!!!


If you want some REAL advice listen to this...


"Be thankful for what you have, if you concentrate on what you don't have you will never have enough"

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