Moose Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 During the week, Mrs. Moose get's up, (even before the alarm) and gets the kids up and going off to school. Usually, the coffee pot is set up before hand, or she'll make it fresh. I don't have to be in at work at any certain time, but I'll usually lay in bed until the kids are gone just to stay out of the way. (there's 4 of them using the bathrooms, kitchen, and everything else) After they're gone, I'll then get up and get my coffee, and my morning hugs from my lover, (ummm that's Mrs. Moose, try keep up here). I take my showers in the evening out of force of habit, usually I'm thilfy from working outside after work/Church. I do the three, "S's"........I'll name two of them, Shave and guess the other.... I'll go over the plans for the day with the REAL boss of the house, make sure I'm clear of any commitments I made with her before I leave, get my final kiss and I love you(s)..... (statistics show that I'm healthier and will live longer just for doing that, unfortunately, I can't point you to that documentation) From there, I'll kick the tires, light the fires, and jet out not to return again until the Minions are satified....... Weekends are a lot different. Saturdays.....DO NOT BOTHER ME AT ALL!!! Mrs. Moose....same routine only she makes sure noone disturbs me.....whenever I decide to come out we'll make our plans then as a family. Sunday....No brainer..... Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Yes, masser..I'll get right on it. After all you are the king of the castle! You made me laugh Rid! My H talks like that as a joke sometimes (or IS it a joke? ) Glad to make you laugh. I mean, afterall that attitude is not to be taken seriously and is worth a laugh or two. Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Glad to make you laugh. I mean, afterall that attitude is not to be taken seriously and is worth a laugh or two. Absolutely..I mean what else is one to do? You really can't take it seriously as you pointed out. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Absolutely..I mean what else is one to do? You really can't take it seriously as you pointed out. Or the people who condone in that behavior. Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Or the people who condone in that behavior. Of course not. That's why they're a joke to be mocked by people like you and my H. It's fun to parody these kinds of people because it's always good for a few laughs. Hey, remember All in the Family. That show was the biggest hit and was based on that kind of mentality. Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Of course not. That's why they're a joke to be mocked by people like you and my H. It's fun to parody these kinds of people because it's always good for a few laughs. Hey, remember All in the Family. That show was the biggest hit and was based on that kind of mentality. Your H sounds like a fine man. I never did see the show. A little before my time. Link to post Share on other sites
Touche Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Your H sounds like a fine man. I never did see the show. A little before my time. Yes, thank you. He's a fine man like you are, Rid. And thanks a lot for making me feel old...sheesh, never saw All in the Family, huh? Wow...I'm freaking OLD! WAAAA! Link to post Share on other sites
Pyro Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Yes, thank you. He's a fine man like you are, Rid. And thanks a lot for making me feel old...sheesh, never saw All in the Family, huh? Wow...I'm freaking OLD! WAAAA! I do watch a few of the older shows. I just have never seen that one. Link to post Share on other sites
Ripples Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 Very funny post Storyrider, and this bit is brilliant! Spray clothes with Downy Wrinkle Releaser. If you hate ironing, you must get it. I think I love you Link to post Share on other sites
Kinger25 Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 "Our times to be up fortunately coincide wonderfully. If your spouse had to be up MUCH earlier than you would you get up with them? I know someone who actually gets up at 4 am with her boyfrind to help him get ready for work and then she goes back to bed till it's time for her to get ready for work. I think that's crazy but am curious if that's just me. I just think a grown man or woman is capable of getting themselves off to work in the morning" My SO leaves for work at 5.30am so gets up at about 4.45am. Not only do I get up with him at 4.45am and make him some tea and toast, but I also sleep out on the sofa with him when he doesn't get to bed. Its not because I want to dress him or get him up or anything like that. My SO is a real mans man and would hate it if I fussed over him. But he works 15 hour days, fitter so physical job and doesn't get home til 8.30pm every night, by which point, he has his dinner and then pretty much goes to sleep again cause he is so tired. I dont get much time with him anyway so I love snuggling up with him at night and seeing him off in the morning. Its the one time that we get, even if only for half an hour where his kids are not there and its just us for a blissful 30 minutes before he goes again. So yes I must be one of the crazy ones that you describe above Link to post Share on other sites
a4a Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 I don't have a set work schedule except during the summer months. I do get up by 6 am every weekday morn and by 7ish on the weekends. I make the H's lunch every morn as he does not have time to stop for lunch at work. I usually make him breakfast depending on if there is time or not. He gets up first lets the dogs out and the chicken out. If I have to go to the office I have to be there by 10 am in the winter so no need for me to get up at 6 am except to make his lunch because he hates doing it. In the summer I still make his lunch even tho I have to leave here by 7 am on weekdays and still find the time to feed 40 various animals before 7. He just trots off to work without doing a thing here. Must be nice. Link to post Share on other sites
blind_otter Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 I get up at 7:30 and take a shower. My SO stays in bed while I shower and make coffee. We walk back and forth talking across the house getting ready, but I'm in the bathroom doing my hair and makeup so he stands in the doorway sometimes to talk to me while I do my morning stuff to get ready. We leave for work about the same time. But when I wasn't working I would get up with him and make him coffee or breakfast, every morning (except when I was really depressed right after my Dad passed away in October - then my SO took care of me even though he had to go to work). Link to post Share on other sites
hotgurl Posted December 11, 2006 Share Posted December 11, 2006 We both wake up about 6:45. he goes makes coffee while I grab an extra 15 minutes of sleep. I take a shower get my daugther up she washes up with I do my hair & makeup. I make her breakfast & our lunches and we dash to school. he is either getting ready while we are doing this or fixing the fire or putter around. I am not a morning person and prefer to sleep till 10am. Ha like that every happens. Link to post Share on other sites
peacelove Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 My man IS capable of getting himself off to work, I just love to wake up with him & spend all the time in the world with him. Been doing it for 5 years now & will NEVER stop. Since we've live together, I love waking up with him & going to bed with him. It's an awesome routine we have had for a long time now. Link to post Share on other sites
peacelove Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 I'm here because I'm in a life partnership if any one decides to ask why I posted here. Link to post Share on other sites
Buttaflyy Posted December 12, 2006 Share Posted December 12, 2006 My SO gets up at 5am. There's no way that I can or desire to get up with him that early in the morning. He calls once he gets to work to make sure I'm up (I'm always awake but I let him feel needed.) I might try and get out of bed with him one morning. Then again, he'd probably be late for work that day so forget it. Link to post Share on other sites
silktricks Posted December 13, 2006 Share Posted December 13, 2006 I get up somewhere between 4:30 and 5:30 depending on I'm not sure what (but always before the alarm goes off). Usually I put in a load of laundry, empty the dishwasher, sew, logon to LS, or something like that depending on how early I'm up. About 5:45 I wake my husband and we both get dressed. We go exercise to start the day. He drops me off at my commuting connection and goes home to work. Link to post Share on other sites
CynicalP Posted December 13, 2006 Share Posted December 13, 2006 Ha ha this is a fun thread. My wife is the morning person I am the night owl. She is in bed and asleep about 8:30 PM I am up till 11:30 - 12:30 AM. She wakes up around 5 AM (after her snooze alarm goes off several times starting at 4:30 ). I wake up around 7:15 AM. She get's her alone time from 5:00 - 7:00. My oldest daughter (4) wakes up at around 7:00. Wife helps her get ready for the day. I wake up the youngest daughter (2) and get her ready for her day. They eat a quick breakfast while I shower and shave. I help load the kids in the car and they are off to work around 7:50 AM ( wife has a very short commute ). I make the bed and leave for work around 8:00 AM. I show at to work around 8:45 or 8:50. This is our M-W-F routine. My wife is off with the kids on Tues and Thurs. On those days my wife again wakes up at 5:00 while the kids sleep until they feel like waking up. I usually sleep until 7:30 and leave at 8:00 once again. This routine will change once the oldest daughter starts kindergarden next year. I dont eat breakfast at all. I rather sleep than eat. Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted December 22, 2006 Share Posted December 22, 2006 My wife and I have been married for 20 years now, but we've been together for 24. We have 2 kids 14 & 16. I realize as with most marriages sex diminishes to the point of almost non existance. I'm living proof of that. For the last 6 years my wife has not made any sexual advances towards me. She always waits for me to come to her. She used to dress up in all kinds of outfits (cheerleader stuff, short shorts, whatever). That's a thing of the past. These days when we do have sex (usually in the morning, twice a month if I'm lucky), I'll have to pull her over to me in bed and listen to her complain about how tired she is, or that our daughter is going to get up and come in our room so they can go let out the horse my daughter owns. I'm tired of twisting her arm for sex. It ruins it. She'll complain about being tired in the morning and she'll say 'why didn't you start something last night before we went to bed', but she'll let our kids stay up until all hours of the night watching TV with us to avoid it, or if I do make an advances she'll say 'Hun, the kids are still up!' I'm sick and tired of the games she plays to avoid sex. I'm almost certain she's had affairs behind my back including with my brother in law, but I could never prove it. One time we were over their house and they had a bunch of family members over. Well, everyone was outside and when I came in the house, those two were coming out of a small computer room. It looked really suspicious, but I didn't say anything. She also used to dress provocatively whenever we went over their house. It's been a few years since then, but now our sex life is at an all time low. I've threatened to file for divorce if things don't get any better and her reaction was 'go ahead, but I'm not uprooting the kids from this house.' The reason why I don't is because I don't want to uproot them either. I love my kids more than anything in this world and I don't want them spending their teenage years living in some crumby apartment, or worse, calling someone else dad. That would kill me. I'm just so sick of the bull****. I really don't see any way out. I've thought many times of having an affair of my own (which I've never had), to tide me over until the kids move out. I've tried everything with her. There was one time I thought I'd do something special for her to say thank you for all that she does, so I went out and bought flowers, and when she got home they were on the table waiting for her. Well, the next morning and the breakfast table she didn't even acknowledge the flowers. She didn't say anything about them until I mentioned it first, and then all I got was a 'Thanks'. That's it!! No hug, no kiss, no sex that night, nothing! I think 99.9% of women would be tickled pink that thier husband would think of them that way after 20 years of marriage. Not her. In case your wondering, I DON'T look like fat bastard from Austin Powers. I'm tall 6' 3", slim, always dress sharp and keep myself looking good and have an outgoing personality. I'm always cracking jokes to make her laugh. I don't know what her problem is. Link to post Share on other sites
Kinger25 Posted December 22, 2006 Share Posted December 22, 2006 You need to sit her down and have an in depth conversation with her about why she is like this now. I know that you have already tried talking to her and doing special things for her, but I think that you need to find the root cause of this problem. Even for 20 years of marriage twice a month is a pretty poor show. I would go nuts if my BF didn't give it to me AT LEAST 3 times a week !! Even in twenty years, I cant see my sex drive dwindling (I do have a bit of a high sex drive though, always have!!) Why dont you broach the subject with her. Dont shout at her or even ask her why she doesn't want to do it with you, try to approach it from a different angle like "honey, I love the times we have spent together and I really appreciate the things that you do for me and the kids, sometimes I just wish that you would show me a little more affection" Or something like that. There is something more to this than what she is letting on. She should at least feel frisky enough to want to have sex with you once in a while, your her husband and life partner for gods sake ! I feel for you because it sounds to me like she is having an A. If all else fails have you though about marriage counselling. I'd use it as a last resort but it may work for you both. Try and pry out of her whats going on with her, after all you have every right to know. Good Luck. Link to post Share on other sites
StayClose Posted December 22, 2006 Share Posted December 22, 2006 I'm up at 4:45. I turn off the clock radio quickly so it doesn't wake her up. I get up in quietly in the dark and go to the kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast, I come back into the bedroom quietly, and walk past the bed to the bathroom to take a shower. I get dressed in the bathroom and turn off the light before coming out into the bedroom. If I need socks from the dresser I use a flashlight. Before leaving the house I come back in, touch her shoulder int he dark and say "I love you - you have a good day." Then I'm out the door to catch the bus. She gets up about 2 hours later. On weekends I usuually get up about an hour earlier than her, and make breakfast for her when she does get up. I'm envious of those who have sex in the morning. She's not a morning person & that's the last thing she wants! Link to post Share on other sites
lover's rock Posted December 27, 2006 Share Posted December 27, 2006 once they get married that'll come to a quick end Not true . I've been married to my H for 5 years and I get up most times at 5am to make his breakfast and lunch. I also have a son and two daughters to give breakfast to but only after H leaves at 6:15am. My son is off for the school bus at 7:30. Somewhere in there (usually in the morning around 4 and again around 7) I'm feeding our newborn daughter. After the boys (my H and son) are off, the dog and birds get fed and then I feed myself . Then I feed our newborn again, and take a nap until lunch time. While the baby and I nap, my older daughter enjoys having all the toys to herself or she snuggles up with us and watches tv. Link to post Share on other sites
ByMyRules Posted December 27, 2006 Share Posted December 27, 2006 Oh that is so so so sweet. Link to post Share on other sites
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