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Would you think a guy is a loser if

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No, of course I wouldn't think he was a loser...if anything I would think he's sweet, considerate and thoughtful for even making the effort to send me an email...


Of course, this all depends on the situation...what the converstation was about...do you know the person....like the person....want to further your relationship with this person??


Some more info is neede, I think.

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No, of course I wouldn't think he was a loser...if anything I would think he's sweet, considerate and thoughtful for even making the effort to send me an email...


Of course, this all depends on the situation...what the conversation was about...do you know the person....like the person....want to further your relationship with this person??


Some more info is needed, I think.


She's a total stranger. We met while shopping, and made smalltalk. Convo wasn't anything important, but she seemed kinda interested. Could've said, ok well nice meeting ya.. but instead kept talking, or waiting for me to say something. So finally I asked for her email.


Anyway, I feel stupid now. I think I sound like I have no life. She probably has that kind of convo all the time, yet I write to tell her how good it was.. god I feel like an idiot! Oh well.. I've done worse ;p

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Don't feel like an idiot! See what happens in the next few days, maybe she'll write you back. I'ts good to take a chance in life, if you didn't ask for her email you could be sitting here regretting not asking!! Better to make a fool of yourself once in a while! Trust me, TONS of people here on LS have made fools of themselves by doing crazy things, so don't stress out about it!!

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Well I hope that wasn't something a complete loser would do because that's totally something I would do and I'm pretty confident in my abilities to communicate with women. I say you did good. What you have done is laid out there that you're a thoughtful person. If she wants that kind of person she'll contact you. If she doesn't, then you were barking up the wrong tree anyway.

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You talked to him for like 20 minutes, then he emails you a few days later and says it was nice talking to you and hope we can do it again sometime?


What's loserish about chatting someone up then emailing them? If I fancied him I'd be pleased to hear from him, but I'd be vaguely disappointed by the "hope we can do it again some time". Might just be my opinion, but I'd be somewhat more impressed by a guy who took the bull by the horns and issued a definite invitation to meet up again, rather than just making noises about how it would be nice if we could meet up.

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I'd be vaguely disappointed by the "hope we can do it again some time". Might just be my opinion, but I'd be somewhat more impressed by a guy who took the bull by the horns and issued a definite invitation to meet up again, rather than just making noises about how it would be nice if we could meet up.


That's exactly what I was worryin' about! I did screw up by that little part right there.


I know this shouldn't be a big deal, but I keep making these kind of mistakes over and over despite "learning my lesson" and that's why I'm posting this so maybe it will be ingrained into my head next time! Arghhh..

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Easy to repair. If she emails you back, be definite at that point.


If she doesn't email you back, try one more friendly email, not pushy, so she knows you're thinking about her. Again, wait for her response. If no response, you know she's not interested.


Either way, I think you did great with a follow-up email. :)

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:love: :love:


No way. What you did was sweet. I'd love that, for sure.


I actually liked that you left it a bit open by saying that "you hope to do it again sometime," though, because if a guy I thought was cute said this to me, I'd reply right away to see if we could actually manifest that "sometime."


However, if a guy said something along the lines of, "It was great talking to you. Let's do it again on Sunday at 7:00 pm at the Starbucks on Segerstrom," I'd be scared. Needless to say, I'd probably be too scared to go.


Good going, I think. :)

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