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What are signs of cheating or signs my b/f may not be physically cheating but talking to other girls?

He doesn't hide his cell phone when i am around. He leaves it around his place where if i really wanted to i could just see if he was getting calls or see if it was on silent at least. (He can't block certain calls can he?--because his phone still rings sometimes but i know who it is when it does)

He does have numbers dialed received, missed when i have checked(without a name) which i thought was weird but i thought maybe its for work(b/c he doesnt work in an office). I have even called some of these numbers and its mostly just men. I think one missed was a girl but it could have been a mistake and one he has stored in his phone--when i called--she sounded older(almost manly lol). The thing is--there are ALOT of these numbers without names and i get so tempted to copy down as many as i can to see if he does talk to another girl or something.

We see each other about 3 nights a week due to distance. Sometimes i get suspicious like if i call and know he is on the phone because of the beep--i wonder who he is talking to(b/c sometimes he is on the phone when he is coming to pick me up)

His inbox of text messages are usually empty(we send a lot but it makes me think is he deleteing just in case there is one from someone else)

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Are there any other reasons to think that he is cheating besides him talking on the phone? If not you gotta stop worrying so much or things could go bad because of lack of trust. Why not ask him who he was talking to when you call him and it’s busy.

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Im going to tell you what you want to hear.


Oh YES he is cheating on you! Now that someone has agreed with you what are you going to do? Maybe you should finally dump his cheating ass!


Either way you post almost weekly asking us if he is cheating on you, why not just end it since you can't trust him?

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I know what you are going through. My wife and her phone!? It drives me crazy. One day she left her wedding ring home, but the phone was gone.

I started having suspicions when she wouldn't give me straight answers.

And there have been certain things she has done that just don't add up.

Hang in there, just play it cool. All the confrontations are sooo draining.

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Suppose he is cheating: you would drive yourself insane, to finally catch him in a lie, or a moment of lessened awareness of the risks. Let us assume that you would catch him in the act of full-fledged cheating, so that there would not be a shred of doubt. It would destroy the relationship when you do catch him, because obviously it is such a major issue for you.


Suppose he is not cheating: you would drive yourself insane, to finally catch him in a lie, or a moment of lessened awareness of the risks. Even if he would lie (for instance, because he confused some facts earlier or now), you would not catch him in the act, because he is not cheating. All those doubts would eat away at you, and your bf would grow paranoid, because he would be wondering how you would interpret everything.


He does have numbers dialed received, missed when i have checked(without a name) which i thought was weird but i thought maybe its for work(b/c he doesnt work in an office). I have even called some of these numbers and its mostly just men. I think one missed was a girl but it could have been a mistake and one he has stored in his phone--when i called--she sounded older(almost manly lol). The thing is--there are ALOT of these numbers without names and i get so tempted to copy down as many as i can to see if he does talk to another girl or something.


It is a no-win situation. Why are you in a relationship, in which trust is such a non-existent entity?

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  • 3 weeks later...
What are signs of cheating or signs my b/f may not be physically cheating but talking to other girls?

He doesn't hide his cell phone when i am around. He leaves it around his place where if i really wanted to i could just see if he was getting calls or see if it was on silent at least. (He can't block certain calls can he?--because his phone still rings sometimes but i know who it is when it does)

He does have numbers dialed received, missed when i have checked(without a name) which i thought was weird but i thought maybe its for work(b/c he doesnt work in an office). I have even called some of these numbers and its mostly just men. I think one missed was a girl but it could have been a mistake and one he has stored in his phone--when i called--she sounded older(almost manly lol). The thing is--there are ALOT of these numbers without names and i get so tempted to copy down as many as i can to see if he does talk to another girl or something.

We see each other about 3 nights a week due to distance. Sometimes i get suspicious like if i call and know he is on the phone because of the beep--i wonder who he is talking to(b/c sometimes he is on the phone when he is coming to pick me up)

His inbox of text messages are usually empty(we send a lot but it makes me think is he deleteing just in case there is one from someone else)

As you said,he is talking to other girls and hide cell phone to you,he is not a trust able person and you should have no relations with him.

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i never said he is talking to girl and hiding his cell. He doesnt generally hide his cell..its usually on ringer, he uses it as an alarm at night, he doesnt shut off his phone when i am there.

I said i see these random numbers but the majority i would say are guys..i actually went to an extreme one time when i saw that it was girl..and i was able to find out that yes, indeed it was a customer. And the girl who sounds older and i am thinking from work..my friends said he probably speaks to her for work reasons, rather than..lets get a drink.


I was just worried if i should be worried about this.

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Whether or not he's cheating ( and from what you said it doesnt sound like good reason to believe he is) you;ve got to settle your trust issure with him. Either two ways:

Leave him and find a way to get over your insecurities, or stay with him talk about it and STOP looking through all his things!


I did that when i was with my ex a long time ago, and it really was just me being insecure. I was torturing myself, and it sounds like you are doing the same. We all go through this, its pretty natural. But you have to stop it! Trust isnt about KNOWING whether or not he's cheating, its about believe in the person. Do you believe in him? Does he often lie? Are there thigns he does to make you wonder about him? If not, seriously yu need to stop!


SOme signs he's cheating:::::


1) He becomes distant

2) Becomes more unavailable

3) becomes more suspecting of you

4) gets calls in the middle of the night

5) is suddenly unavailable for things you had planned

6) begins running late all the time to meet you somewhere, and i mean way late, not 10 min.



Just look up some signs online.bottom line: i seriously doubt he's cheating, but if its eating you up so bad, you;ve got to either get over it or leave!

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Sorry I don't know your whole story - but were you cheated on by a former bf? Could that be the cause of your insecurity? I could see myself in your shoes with any new bf because of having been cheated on previously.


If you were never cheated on, why would you even think this bf would be cheating?

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