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in love with my best friend, im goin crazy :(

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basically, i think i love my best friend.


he used to like me (or so he says) but just wants me as a friend now. i have only known him about a year and a half, and in the last, about 8/9 months, we have been best friends. but i have fallen from him.


i spend my every waking second thinking about him, needing to talk to him, etc, etc.


i have told him my feelings that i like him (not that i think i love him though) and he has accepted them and not ran away.


i live away and he says i need to distance myself from him, so he doesnt come online to talk as much anymore (still everyday, but only once per day) and he doesnt really reply to my texts either :(


i cant help thinking that he is doing this so he can get me away from him, not to help me out. a friend should reply to texts, yet he doesnt. he says he has no credit but its conviniently always when i text him. he also has said he doesnt miss me, which im upset about because im away at university, and i feel he should miss me. god i miss him so much, and its hard to not hear it back when i say it to him. he says he doesnt miss me in the 'i wish she was here right now' sense but in the 'i hope i see her soon' way.


is he distancing himself for his benefit or mine? he says when i go home at xmas we can be normal again, because im at home its different. i want to get over him so so much, and just get back to how we were, but how do i do this?


i would talk to him less, i have read that advice a lot on here, but i spend every second thinking about him and wanting to talk to him. im pathetic and i think i have lost his respect because of this, i constantly ask him for reassurance he doesnt hate me and he still wants to be my friend.


what do i do? i know breaking off contact may be a good idea but i cant do it, i need him. is he distancing himself for my benefit or his? is he just using me?


please please help, everyone's advice on here to other people seems to be really helpful and god i need some guidance right now :(:(:(

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Umm.. what kind of "best friend" doesn't even MISS you?! Forget lovers, what good is a FRIEND who doesn't even miss you?!:sick: Looks like it's time to get over this guy and find a new friend. Why do you keep going after him if he just keep ignoring you? Clearly he is not interested. You need to find someone who will appreciate your love and affection. Of course he doesn't hate you, and I'm sure he still wants to be your friend -he might be just overwhelmed by your advances/obsession because he doesn't think of you as "more than a friend" now.

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