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Disrespectful Judgment Episode 36 [Unconditional Love]

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Disrespectful Judgment Episode 36 [GooGooBoi Unending 4 am Unconditional Love Request]


In the season premietr GoolGooBoi devalues the opinion of his life long partner,Stunning Alotafun and uses the lame excuse of being up for 5 days sticking crack cocaine up yer crack"


You'll love it and pee yer pants along with the studio audioence when good friend Lenny Cartwright, turns and give GGB a fist bookay, and says


"that's not an excuse, U JUNKIE - YOU SHOULD HAVE STOPPED USING DRUGS IN A HOUSE WHERE CHILDREN AND THE MOST AMAZINGLY BEAUTIFUL WOMAN IN THE WORD put up with your disrespectful judgments occurs whenever one spouse tries to impose a system of values and beliefs on the other.




When a husband tries to force his point of view on his wife, he's just asking for trouble. When a wife assumes that her own views are right and her husband is woefully misguided -- and tells him so -- she enters a minefield.


At the time we rationalize our disrespect by convincing ourselves that we're doing our spouses a big favor, to lift them from the darkness of their confusion into the light of our superior perspective. If they would only follow our advice, we tell ourselves, they could avoid many of life's pitfalls-and we would also get what we want.


In most cases, a disrespectful judgment is simply a sophisticated way of getting what one spouse wants from the other. But even when there are the purest motives, it's still a stupid and abusive strategy. It's stupid because it doesn't work, and it's abusive because it causes unhappiness. If we think we have the right -- even the responsibility -- to impose our view on our spouses, our efforts will almost invariably be interpreted as personally threatening, arrogant, rude, and incredibly disrespectful.




Stunning has enuff and makes sizable withdrawals from the Love Bank.

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