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Konfuzd is this way for a reason.

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I just had the most outrageous night last night, and not in a good way.


I recieved a phone call from an old friend I haven't spoke to in a while, he's in his late thirties. I know he has a crush on me, but I am not attracted to him, and told him right from day one that we could be friends and nothing more. It was working out alright, we usually hang out once every few months, and no friendship barriers were ever broken.


Anyways, that's the background... I get this call last night, and he reveals that he has been diagnosed with testicular cancer, recently had one of his boys removed, and now has to go for chemo right before christmas. A lot to take in all at once. We talked for a couple hours, and he told me how much he appriciates having friends like me to turn to. I told him I'd be there in whatever capacity I could. He went on to invite me specifically as his date for his work Christmas party. It turns out that my work party is on the same evening, so I politely declined. He then asked me if I wanted to go out on another evening. I told him that I'd be delighted to go out as friends, but that was it. He sounded dissapointed and hurried off the phone.


I was feeling pretty down after that, so I started talking to one of my other friends, said that I felt really bad for the guy, for his health issues, but I wasn't going to be a pity date for him, get his hopes up, only to have to dissapoint him later. I adore him as a friend, but can not see myself dating him.


So, now this other friend of mine blurts out that he thinks the other guy made up the whole cancer thing just to get in my pants! Now, these 2 guys do not know eachother, and I know for a fact my friend would not lie about something like that, and what a horrible thing to say about anyone!!!! I got so upset at this other guy that I told him never to speak to me again. I thought it was the most insensitive, rude, unthinkable comment to make. He then bombarded me with emails all night telling me he was concerned about me, he knows someone else who had that happen, blah, blah... but, to me that is unforgiveable!!! What do you guys think?

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