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in the spirit of christmas


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The Spirit Of Christmas 2006



Hi everyone. My name is Nancy, You don’t know me but some of you might know Gord, you know him in here as silentalways, he’s that guy who has been struggling with his addiction to cocaine and trying really hard to be able to prove to the courts that he no longer uses, and can co-parent his daughter. He was dangerous close his family and friends were quite concerned. I took him to the hospital tonite because he showed up and my home earlier in the evening, and he looked ghost-like. He said he had been trying to find a place to sleep since Monday as he had sold his house. He barely made it onto the hospital bed when it appeared that he slipped into a coma and the doctor reached for the heart monitor [cocaine can stop your heart beating on a dime].


We have all been trying everything to get him to stop for over a year but he continues, keep telling everyone he can stop on his own if some woman he loves helps him. So apparently that is not the case. Suddenly Gord’s left arm shook and we feared he was having a cardiac arrest but the Nurse on call said wait. Then we all saw it. A twitch. And another. The nurse asked the doctor to leave the room, then she place the hospital gown away and I watched Nurse Wendy Flannagan deliever the most amazing BJ and I’m woman! I take pride in pleasing my man, but, whoa! Colour appeared on Gord’s face, and his chest expanded, and it looked like he was actually gaining weight.


Then his eyes started to flicker and at that point she turned to me and said would you like to finish the job, and I said ‘my pleasure’ and when Gord opened his eyes he saw me. He is now resting at my home. He was gonna sleep on the couch, and said No Way u take my bed. Gord had slept at my house last night and I made him breakfast in the morning and right afterwards we took a look at the big cocaine issue – and Gord said he had made an attachment to it in his mind to a failed relationship and that he only used then, whenever he felt sad about the woman he loved and she left because of the cocaine. Supposedly, he has been trying to get her to simply say ‘I forgive u’ for close to a year and she refuses and it has impacted on his health to the point where he has been hospitalized.


So, I asked, why is he still addicted if she is no longer his gf, and said because she represents in his mind that gf, and if she helped him it would bring back together but supposedly the woman has used something called No Contact and it has been horrible because as soon as Gord starts to get better she appears and his mind sees his gf, and from their this woman manipulates, and uses Gord’s weakened state for her own means, then when Gord starts using cocaine again, she disappears. I did a google search on this woman and there is some extremely nasty stuff – this woman has a string of victims – supposedly she has recently been asking him for a wedding ring . Gord and I are huge believers in working as team, one person helping another – that is called humanity. Before I can over here Gord said,


“Nancy you we just did this huge thing which I’ve laboured under ands did it in a day and a half, I don’t understand that – how did this happen – notice how tired his mind has become. I said,


“Oh, Its because I believe in you – you are a good man!” And his back straighten and firmed and he hugged me and said


“Thank you so much. Merry Christmas, babe”


And his back wasn’t the only thing straight and firm – winkl’


“Merry Christmas Indeed – wink wink“ and like magic the cd player started and a Matt Mays tune played and Gord, smiled and whispered “now I understand this song.”


Those who use slogans such as ‘its my time’, ‘nice guys finish last’ or use NC do so, simple for their own selfish needs and as a justification to idle and do nothing – even a man abusing cocaine that has simply as her to tell him ‘she believes in him’ How long did it take me to say 4 words – maybe 2 seconds, she has not done that for a year – that is more than abuse – this woman is dangerous and probably stalks Gord. Gord said she knows information from his emails but that he never gave her permission to do so. So this afternoon, I took the information about this woman, and sent from Gord government computer and later discovered she had the emails – that is a Federal Offence.


Now Gord has been saying he loves this woman but presented with these facts he could not come her. I am stating right now anyone associated with her and hacking his email, anything will be summoned by the courts and arrested. And Gord being Gord said if they just leave him alone [every way] he will not bring this matter forward. I would suggest to you all take him up on his overly-generous gift. And I would like those of here, to take this time, the season of Christmas to change your course in life and do not contact Gord – I am gonna ask if I can be his gf, because women know how to make men pursue and that’s so the tired them out. I know how to keep a man make sure he get rested for those long weekend sessions – wink.

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