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I have been with my boyfriend for almost 6 years. We love each other very much. I want nothing more than to marry him, and I'm pretty sure he feels the same way. He tells me that he has never even thought of marrying anyone but me, and that he will marry me, but he wants to be financially stable. He recently took a new job with a company called Ernst & Young as an internal auditor, he owns a school uniform store, and I'm an elementary school teacher working on my masters. How much more stable can you get? After I brougt this to his attention, he shut down on me, and I decided that I wouldn't bring up the "M" word to him, since it makes him so uptight. He said once he's married, he would think of himself as old, which I don't, of course, look at it like that. What should I do, I've been waiting a very long time, to say I'm only 22.

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