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trouble with Girlfriends past....

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ok so me and my girlfriend of 2 years had a huge fight and ended up being broken up for bout 3 or 4 months, during tat time she became involved with a guy, and now we have just gotten back 2gether, and he came back around constantly texting her and calling, i dont kno if im paranoid or resionably jealous, she has told me she is going 2 cut off tlkin with him, but, i feel shes going 2 just hide it from me from now on, like i trust her more then nething but for some reason i cant trust her here, with all my will i cant trust the girl i love when it comes to this guy:(

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I understand why you would feel that way. Your guys were together for 2 years and broke up and she met another guy. I don't know how you broke up but you gusy are back together and I know exactly how you feel the same thing happend to my boy cause we broke up after a year I met someone and than we got back together.

I think you need to trust her right now. You gusy got back together your the one with her and hopefully she is honest with you and does stop talking to this guy.

Like the first poster said, you need to start this relationship back on the right foot so trust her till you know you found she was lieing.

Talk to her and say im worried that you will continue talking to him, i think you will be able to tell if she is no long interested.

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