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Unsure about girlfriend.

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Ive been going out with my girlfriend for 6 months now. Towards the start of the relationship she went to reading. From the time i knew she was going right up untill she came back i thought she was going to cheat on me. Eventually i forgot about it and it didnt become a problem any more.


Just the other night she told me, 4 months after the festival that when she was really drunk some boy asked her for a hug, she gave him a hug and he kissed her. She assured me that she didnt kiss him back and pulled away. But, one of the people she was camping with was telling the other people the next day that she was all over this other guy.


My girlfriend told me she got really drunk and cant remember parts but assured me that she wouldnt do that sorta thing, shes never cheated on anyone in the past. Knowing that this other girl said my girlfriend was all over this boy makes me really uneasy. I said to her, if you cant remember much how do u know that you werent. but yet she assured me she wud never cheat on me ever, and said the girl just didnt like her so was spreading rumours.


Since this happened its not the only thing that bothers me, i find my trust for her has been damaged. last nite she was telling some boy who she camped with previously that i was coming next time. She then told me that she "went" with this boy at the festival 2 years ago, when they went to get a hotdog. For some reason this really bothered me and i dont know why but i guess im stuck in a patch of mistrust and i dont know what to do !


Help please, its really getting me down.

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