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The Horrors of MySpace, IM, and all Evil Variations Thereof

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I'm probably not alone here, but I suppose it's possible.


I have gotten to the point in these forums that whenever the phrase MySpace, IM, Text Message, MSN, ICQ, whatever is mentioned in a thread, I just skip over it. I wish people could see how evil it is to let these things affect/ruin your relationships.


OK look. As humans, if we try hard enough, we can find fault and/or suspicion in absolutely anything. Before the internet (yes, some of us were alive and even dating before the internet), there was already ample sources for freaking ourselves out about things that we had no business freaking out about.


I am a firm believer and fan of the pleasures of absolute ingorance, and in this context, I refer to all sources of information that are not intended for us (read list above). People, the more you dig, snoop, and spy, the more you WILL find to freak out about as it relates to your SO. However, 99% of this crap will be absolutely deceiving and will lead to an issue that absolutely does not exist in reality... only in the mind of the snooper. This is a very damaging practice.


Even in those cases where maybe there is something that you have no reason or right to care about (maybe an old email from a gf/bf at the time talking about a sexual encounter that was had when they were together, for example), once you see these things, you can never go back. You cannot remove the images, and you have created this problem for yourself only because you got into something you had no business being in.


I know the teen generation may never understand or relate to what it was like to have complete ignorance of the entire life history of your partner (you Google stalkers know what I'm talking about), but some would say it was a great thing. With the increase of technology and ways in which to snoop, has come an increase in relationships being ruined by silly and usually inaccurate information.


Just think about it. I have practiced ignorance for about 10 years now, and I LOVE it. I go through my day with a complete lack of stupid things to stress about... it's wonderful.

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I think about these things too. I have a MySpace account. It's interesting to be able to look up people that I went to high school with. I also have a Match.com profile. That came from a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in years, I new he had a Match.com profile, so I found it, but it wouldn't let me view his profile unless I joined. So, I did (just the free part, I didn't pay anything). All completely irrelavent in my relationship as I'm definitely not "looking" so to speak. But what if my H was like some of the crazy people on here? Would I be trying to convince him to stay? Sigh. I think there is a reason jealousy is called a monster.

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All forms of electronic medium allow people to be anonymous and tends to bring out the cybercheater in many people who wouldn't otherwise do it in real life.


Myspace is one of the best places to find others to bottom feed with and hide behind a private profile. That is all.

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Myspace, MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Facebook, and so on are a form of entertainment. Period.


Many, many people take these programs way too seriously. This would account for the ~80% rate of insecurities, and infedilities in relationships.


Sometimes technology brings out the wrost in us. With that said, I have always been a promoter of face-to-face interaction and telephone system [ -although, I am not comfortably fond of the telephone . . . weird but this is me].


Some day Myspace will go done the tubes. It is getting remarkably "Easy" for a person to track another. Too easy for my likes.


I do wish society would revert to the old ways of communication. I am better off and more content with in-flesh companionships than just a bunch of smileys.



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maybe i was not clear - anything i ever posted on the internet is from the past. i don't want to even be on here - i am only doing so to try and reach someone to express that she should have zero concerns - but i can't keep talking to a computer like this! really!


i am tired, not of busting my ass to show her, but from wasting valuable face to face time - and i know she feels the same


so, what do u say, we ditch this cyber joint and get back to the land of hugs and kisses and talk about what'e next?


it is now 11:45 - i will leave here in 15 and u can meet me at the abode or leave a message. if neither is awaiting i understand [but our burpdays and xmas are so close and i would rather celebrate them than negate them - do u as well?]


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