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> chinese girls and even ppl in general too high standard, have to have good job, uni


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do u guys think chinese canadian born / chinese girls , or even ppl, are more into status and education. for example i talk to my chinese dentist-we blah blah and then he asks where i'm at right now-i say still doin school at a community college and working in a call center. for some reason i see him kinda look embarassed or that look of ah "i guess a fellow chinese guy didn;t succeed and meet up to the goals in life"-meaning going to a univeristy and better like studying: B Sc, accounting, enginering, med school, law or some positon that pays $$. its like i didn't meet up to that standard and in chinese culture and not sure of the other asian cultures-its like a failure.

its not just the dentist , its other chinese too(relatives, aunts, uncles, cousins)-if u say u go to like a good univ like ubc, U of T ,... its looked up upon and the relatives for some reason want to make chit chat with u-hey what yr are u in, what courses are u takin blah blah ......) but if u just go to community college -its like whatever ok .


also a lot of Chinese girls and even cbc ones i find are like that. i doubt a chinese cbc girl would date a cbc chinese guy who only went to community college and has a diploma while she has a degree from a real University and also stuided something like i mention above. maybe the white girls -i think they are less status and education hungry than chinese.


lot of chinese girl have high standards too-u need a car and a decent one nothing older than 6 years old and something like at least a civic or better, u have to have a good paying job, have to be university educated from a good university and studying something worthwhile.


come out to Vancouver its like all of em are rich and have cars and their all nice ones too. if ur a chinese guy without a car or even a decent ride -good luck with the chinese cbc girls-they ain't gonna meet up with ya or even continue dating u. why too many competition from cbc guys who have nice rides. also that u have to be educated and good job ....etc list goes on

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I know what you mean. The chinese culture do look for these things. Most of it is bc of gossip between the chinese communtiy, like family and friends. I know bc I am Chinese too.


I live here in America, although standards are not as high, most Asians I know are pretty wealthy, business owners or College educated. I know girls do look for these things for future family securtiy. Not all girls look for these things but they look for someone who is hard working and atleast a little better status than them, as in financial and having a prospective good future. As a guy we are suppose to support and provide.


The new girl I met is half Chinese and French and is from edmitton(not sure about the spelling) , Canada. She is the first girl i've dated who has an expensive taste, such as diesel, LV, coach, burberry, and etc. That is kinda scary bc she spends her money on these items. But also, I have an exgf, going for her masters in nursing, who is frugile bc she understands how hard it is to make money.

So not all girls are the same.


I agree, its kinda hard being a guy bc we are the providers.


Hope I make some sense. Good luck!

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The asian culture is based on personal success, in all aspects of life. If you're unhappy with the results of the culture, best to target girls outside of the culture.

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CBC, NBC, ABC, BBC, FOB, etc... all have similar issues. It is part of the culture. It is also part of social status. A doctor, lawyer, etc.. is more prestigious.


An Ivy (IVY+, 7 sisters, etc...) grad is better than a CC or state school.


The culture values education, a good job, and ability to make the family proud. Don't worry about others to much, it is what makes you happy.


Being in a community college is a small thing, it depends on your final goals. Do you plan on getting your AA then transfer to get a BS or MS? In all honesty, a prestigious MS is better than a prestigious BS. Get your AA to save money then work your hard on your BS to get an MS.


It depends on the journey, what makes life interesting is the journey not the final destination.


The luxury stuff is something very new, I had met people who spend their money on those things and dress nice. It is all about presentation. Be yourself and be true to yourself. Forget those fakers. :)

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