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am i getting the run around


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I've been chatting with this guy online for over three months. he says he is in "Love" with me, we also talk on the phone for hours. come to find out we live about four hours apart so we decided to meet. the first time i was to drive down to his neck of the woods, he called the night before and said plans might change due to his dad coming.well plans were canceled instead due to hurricane Irene. The next time i was to go there again, but the night before I was having problems reaching him so I left emails that I was coming there and what time I was leaving and expected to get there if there was a problem to please page me....i was half way there when he paged saying he was suppose to come to my city so i turned around went back home and waited. i never got a call until the next day, late in the afternoon, needless to say he never came. plans were made for him to come the following weekend...i get home from work and find an email saying sorry, but i have to work the weekend......is he hiding something from me, is he a player, should i give him another chance or tell him to take a long walk off a short pier???????

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I've been chatting with this guy online for over three months. he says he is in "Love" with me, we also talk on the phone for hours. come to find out we live about four hours apart so we decided to meet. the first time i was to drive down to his neck of the woods, he called the night before and said plans might change due to his dad coming.well plans were canceled instead due to hurricane Irene. The next time i was to go there again, but the night before I was having problems reaching him so I left emails that I was coming there and what time I was leaving and expected to get there if there was a problem to please page me....i was half way there when he paged saying he was suppose to come to my city so i turned around went back home and waited. i never got a call until the next day, late in the afternoon, needless to say he never came. plans were made for him to come the following weekend...i get home from work and find an email saying sorry, but i have to work the weekend......is he hiding something from me, is he a player, should i give him another chance or tell him to take a long walk off a short pier???????


To Sissy,


I'll say you're getting a run around! You may connect with this guy online, but I think meeting people over the internet has potential problems that one cannot see until it may be too late. I would say e-mailing him and chatting with him is fine, but if he doesn't have the decency to even let you know when he is or is not coming for a visit, then I would not persue a person to person relationship with him any further.



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I think a lot of people here can sympathize with you on this situation. How well do you know this person? The first concern with meeting anyone you haven't met before is safety, but if you feel like you know him well enough to make the trip then make sure he does too, life is crazy and things DO come up but he should give you enough notice. Is it possible that he is shy about meeting you and keeps chickening out? As far as him standing you up multiple times, he is either extremely shy, playing some kind of a game, or he has a serious respect problem. If someone goes out of their way to visit you, you should at least have the courtesy to help them out! My advice would be, if you aren't totally put off by the situation so far, give him *1* more chance. But make him come to you this time. Don't waste any more of your time and energy unless you really feel like it's going to work out. Make him work a little and show you respect by sticking with his word.


Bonne chance,



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