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Girls that say they like nice guys

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my mom told me that girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice. is that incorrect?


If so then why are there still posts some guys made about their g/f's wives dumping/cheating on them? Bottom line, there's everything.




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Do they really like nice guys? Or will they leave you if your to nice to them? How should you treat them? Be nice or badass?


Nice guys don’t get rough and violently physical with a female. Nice guys don’t call her names.

A female wants respect first….. She is a mirror you look into. You see the reflection of your input.

If two individuals are mismatched….. It’s also great to be able to walk away nicely.


Unfortunately there is also a type of female out there that enjoys being beaten and called names by a man.

She spoils it for so many other females that do not desire and seek to avoid that lifestyle.

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i know girls! i read much about them. I found that girls love guys in prison. These rough riders are the heroes of society because they are being protected by guards in a big castle. women LOVE these kings of society. if you don't believe me, go look in the breakup section. you will see tons of girls crying about how a guy is cheating on them or slapping them. These are the guys that get girls.


The guys who are nice are just too boring because girls wanna have fun! in summary, guys with lower intelligence with an abusive history gets girls.

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i know girls! i read much about them. I found that girls love guys in prison. These rough riders are the heroes of society because they are being protected by guards in a big castle. women LOVE these kings of society. if you don't believe me, go look in the breakup section. you will see tons of girls crying about how a guy is cheating on them or slapping them. These are the guys that get girls.


The guys who are nice are just too boring because girls wanna have fun! in summary, guys with lower intelligence with an abusive history gets girls.


Oh they can get some girls alright.:rolleyes: Some girls indeed.

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Well, let's have someone who lives way out west do it. It's not as late there, and they're bound to be awake enough. I'm too tired myself, and I wouldn't want any of you night owls out east to sacrifice any more sleep on this.


Any takers out there in California? We need a definitive guide on this.


Not just any old guide either. It's time we had a "guide to being a balanced guy" that was set to music and performed on a stage. I, for one, would go along to that concert, flash my boobs at the band and maybe throw one or two nude photos onto the stage as a mark of appreciation.

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Oh they can get some girls alright.:rolleyes: Some girls indeed.

Some girls theyre so pure

Some girls so corrupt

Some girls give me children

I only made love to her once


Give me half your money

Give me half your car

Give me half of everything

Ill make you worlds biggest star


- The Rolling Stones

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Not just any old guide either. It's time we had a "guide to being a balanced guy" that was set to music and performed on a stage. I, for one, would go along to that concert, flash my boobs at the band and maybe throw one or two nude photos onto the stage as a mark of appreciation.



Can't hurt to try something once.

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I did flash on several occassiosn back when I had my cam, only it was online flashing. Oh wait a minute isn't that suppost to be naughty, oh well, it was fun while it lasted back when I was NOT dating.


Oh wait how about the time I use to wear all in black clothes with a chocker hanging on my neck and wristbands, you know a goth (rocker), sort of like a rebel type.

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I did flash on several occassiosn back when I had my cam, only it was online flashing. Oh wait a minute isn't that suppost to be naughty, oh well, it was fun while it lasted back when I was NOT dating.


Oh wait how about the time I use to wear all in black clothes with a chocker hanging on my neck and wristbands, you know a goth (rocker), sort of like a rebel type.


and how does this relate to girls that say they like nice guys?

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Well it's ok to hijack the thread if you want to. Just got fed with the assumption of we getting always viewed as innocent ones who like getting hurt, got tired of many people's assumption that all girls like getting stepped on, that was making me sleepy already.

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Girls like nice guys? give me a break :laugh:



I call that BULL****


Behaving like a gentleman in everyday life doesn't preclude a man from being an animal between the sheets. "Bad guys" are over-rated. Primarily by themselves.

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Yes, some of us do like the "real" nice guys versus the proverbial doormats. :)

the only women who are into "nice guy" are the ones who can't get anyone else.

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the only women who are into "nice guy" are the ones who can't get anyone else.

The only men that believe this are not "real" nice guys or even the doormat garden variety...

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the only women who are into "nice guy" are the ones who can't get anyone else.


When I refer to a guy as "nice" I'm usually talking in a very general sense about how he comes across to others. Easy going, knows how to conduct himself socially, treats waiting staff well - someone who you gravitate towards because he's a classy guy and just....well...nice to be around.


If I talk about someone being a nasty git, that's someone I get a bad vibe about. Someone I wouldn't trust personally or professionally and would go out of my way to avoid spending time around.


I'll admit that between the ages of about 12 and 17 I thought "bad boys" were cool. Those same guys I fancied back then are now the ones who spend most of their time hanging out at the dole office or hanging about the doorway of my local court. They're either scrawny or pot-bellied and invariably prematurely wizened looking....and the women who were lucky enough to land such prizes? Pretty much the same description applies.

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